Sam Perry, 28, is the first looper to win The Voice and the young star can’t quite believe it himself.
‘It hasn’t sunk in yet, it’s overwhelming, I need to watch it again and see it all over again. I’m so very proud. It’s been incredible. I’m so amazed Australia got behind a Brit like me,’ Sam gushes.
The Brit was born in Kingston, in the UK and had a simple upbringing growing up.
‘Mum and dad did everything they could to support my work, I moved to Perth when I was five and growing up I was inspired by the work of my idol Dub FX and I have lived in a world of vocal loopers ever since – it’s great to showcase the art of looping on a show like The Voice,’ he adds.
Many on social media have criticised the artform, questioning how Sam could win a singing competition using electronic backups, but the artist claims it’s actually one of the hardest things to master.
‘People say it’s not real singing and it’s easy to do, but it’s actually harder than singing. There’s a real art to it. There aren’t many loopers out there for that reason,’ Sam adds.
The Voice coach, Boy George was one of Sam’s biggest critiques, but he insists that their apparent clash wasn’t as bad as it seemed.
‘The media blew it all up…we’re friends, we have a twitter exchange now and again, but my dad bought him a beer about 30 years ago and we’re still on good terms,’ he laughs.
Sam did reveal however, that the tension on the show isn’t just for the cameras and the judges do get pretty heated with one another.
‘All the coaches are passionate, it’s real the tension, it’s so real you can cut it with a knife!’
That said, Sam is a strong supporter of his coach Kelly Rowland and he insists she’s not the diva people make her out to be.
‘I had lots of time with her, I met all her family. She is a wonderful, wonderful person. I have nothing bad to say about her. She’s a true professional.’
In fact, Kelly is working hard with Sam on his next steps.
‘I’m in talks with Kelly about the future. We are having chats with Universal about my next move,’ he admits.
In regards to his personal life, Sam likes to keep everything under wraps and is reluctant to admit if he’s planning on having a family soon – although he does say his wedding, which was previously on hold is back on the agenda.
‘Marriage plans are back the horizon, they were all put on hold with coming on the show but once I get back home I’ll sit down with my fiancé and look at everything again,’ Sam says.