It’s over – the final, two-part climax of Big Bang Theory has just aired in the US, and we’ve got all the spoilers for those of you who don’t want to wait until the episode belatedly airs on Channel Nine.
The first and the biggest shock is that the elevator in the gang’s apartment building has finally be repaired, bringing an end to all those hallway encounters and stair-climbing scenes that so defined the show.
The next is that Penny and Leonard are expecting – and one character’s reaction triggers the biggest surprise of all.
With Sheldon and Amy up for a Nobel Prize for physics, the gang travel to Sweden, where the symptoms of Penny’s undisclosed condition trigger a typically Sheldon response.
‘She’s clearly sick and I’m going to catch it and it’s going to ruin the greatest day of my life,’ he raves, to which Leonard responds, ‘I promise you you’re not going to get what she has.’
‘I’m pregnant, Sheldon,’ Penny reveals, to which Sheldon responds, ‘You’re right, I can’t catch that.’
That brings years of personality conflict to a head, with Leonard thundering, ‘You just found out that a woman you have loved and cared about for 12 years is pregnant and all you can say is you’re relieved she’s not going to get you sick? You are a selfish jerk.’
That seems to bring Sheldon to a belated realisation that life is not all about him, as he dedicates his career defining award to his friends.
‘I have a very long and somewhat self-centred speech, but I’d like to set it aside,’ the character says during Nobel Prize acceptance speech. ‘This honour doesn’t just belong to me. I wouldn’t be up here if it weren’t some very important people in my life.
‘My other family who I’m so happy to have here with us … is that Buffy the Vampire Slayer?”
Mega spoilers: Yes, Sarah Michelle Gellar does appear.
Continues Sheldon: ‘I have been encouraged, sustained, inspired, and tolerated not only by my wife, but by the greater group of friends anyone ever had.
‘I apologise if I haven’t been the friend you deserve but I want you to know, in my way, I love you all.’
And with that, we wait for a ten-year gap before the show inevitably comes back for a reboot.