It’s a well known royal rule that Prince George will not be allowed to don a pair of pants until he turns eight years old, but it appears that his little sister Princess Charlotte also has to abide by this strict style rule.
The three-year-old princess is rarely seen out of her feminine frocks, and it turns out there’s been a strategic reason behind it.
Kate Middleton has decided that her daughter will always be photographed in sweet dresses, so that the photos looks ‘classic’ and don’t date.
Rachel Riley, a prominent designer, told The Telegraph: ‘If they wear very simple things…it’s timeless in that you can’t really date a specific photo or put them in something that seems out of date.’

Woman and Home also notes that Kate puts Charlotte in traditional ‘old-fashioned’ outfits for official royal occasions because it marks the formality of the event.

Related: Prince William just revealed a surprising fact about Princess Charlotte
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