Kitchen table chitchat has always been rather out of the ordinary in the Kulkens household, with talk of premonitions, potions, spells and spirits frequently on the agenda.
Grandmother Sarah Kulkens is a seventh-generation white witch. While her late mother Kerry was one of Australia’s most respected psychics, Sarah’s daughters Elizabeth, 33, Melissa, 31, and Vanessa, 23, also each practise witchcraft.
“We have aunties and uncles and sisters and brothers that all do the same thing. It’s been in the family for so many generations that it’s just the norm for us,” she explains.
Sarah, who runs Kerry Kulkens Magic Shop in Belgrave, Victoria, believes she was born with her psychic abilities.
“I was about four or five, in the car with my mum and a next-door neighbour when a motorbike went past. I said to Mum: “That man’s going to die, I can see him on the road,” she recalled.
“About five minutes later, we got to where he died on the road.’
“I also remember from way back seeing spirits. There were spirits at the end of the bed and I would talk to them in the middle of the night.
“I still see them now, but they can’t harm me. If they’re around, they’re around for a reason – they’re either around to guide you or to give someone a message.’