
The Block 2022 room reveals: the best and worst of the week

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The Block is back and, as they say every season: it’s bigger than ever! However, this season they might actually be right.


WATCH BELOW: The Block star Sarah-Jane slams social influencers

The drama is bigger, the blocks of land are bigger, and the appetite for this show has only grown exponentially.

Of course, the best part of any renovation program is the pay off at the end; the room reveals.

Each week contestants will show off a new room in their enormous heritage houses and we’re going to cover them all right here.

Scott Cam
(Credit: Nine)

Week 1: Guest Bedrooms

Sara and tom
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Sarah-Jane and Tom

First off the block (get it!?) and this week’s winners, Sarah-Jane and Tom stunned the judges with their lush green and rust themed room.

The judges had almost no criticisms of the room apart from Neale’s intense dislike for the artwork hanging across from the bed.

Dylan and Jenny
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Dylan and Jenny

The tradie duo thoroughly impressed the judges this week with their eye for detail, however they were less impressed with the room in its entirety.

Neale claimed the room had a distinctly urban feel, which was off kilter for the country heritage house. It wasn’t all bad though since the couple still took home second place.

Sharon and Ankur
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Sharon and Ankur

One of the more ambitious rooms this week, the judges appreciated Sharon and Ankur’s execution of their concept, but weren’t so impressed with the concept itself.

However, the judges acknowledged their effort and skill, awarding them third place.

Joel and Elle
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Joel and Elle

Elle had hoped to shock Shaynna with her first room but it appears disappointment was the emotion they got instead (close!).


Darren said the room felt too much like his home back in Bondi, while Neale agreed it had a boho vibe. Ultimately, the one and only room the pair presented on the show failed to impress.

Omar and Oz
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Omar and Oz

Coming in last this week was Omar and Oz. The judges felt the pair had failed to bring personality to the room, however they were complimented on retaining the original panelling.

Next time the judges would like to see the boys ditch the Scandinavian furniture and opt for something more faithful to the country aesthetic.


Week 2: Bathrooms

Omar and Oz
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Omar and Oz

Coming in last place the previous week put a fire under Omar and Oz because this week they delivered in spades. Heeding the judges’ advice, the pair delivered a contemporary bathroom with a distinctly country feel.

The judges loved the textures and warmth of the room and awarded them first place.

Tom and Sarah Jane
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Tom and Sarah-Jane

Another strong showing from Tom and Sarah-Jane this week who have clearly fallen in love with brass fittings. The pair made the best of the elevated ceiling installing a skylight and a beautiful restored chandelier that the judges loved.

Shaynna appreciated the bold colour and functionality of the room, though they lost points for the lack of storage. The pair took out second place.

Dylan and Jenny
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Dylan and Jenny

Tradie couple Dylan and Jenny once again met the brief in their heritage-appropriate bathroom. Darren loved the couple’s attention to detail, capping the tiling with a wooden trim and even lowering the blind to line up with the window pane.


Neale didn’t love the power point outside the face-level storage. However, the versatility is probably lost on Neale who would never need to plug a hair straightener in while using the mirror.

Rachel and Ryan
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Rachel and Ryan

This is the first showing from Joel and Elle’s replacements and it wasn’t as impressive as the judges hoped. The overwhelming feeling was that the pair had skewed too far towards an urban feel and missed the country touches.

However, they did acknowledge the couple had one of the larger bathrooms to renovate and it was a noteworthy achievement for their first room.

Sharon and Ankur
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Ankur and Sharon

Well someone has to come in last place and unfortunately this week it was Ankur and Sharon. The judges didn’t appreciate the couple’s bold tile choice, berating them for not acknowledging the heritage of the house despite the elegant fittings.

Shaynna’s remarks were so cutting, poor Sharon was left in tears.

Week 3: Guest Bedrooms (again)

Ankur and Sharon's guest bedroom
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Ankur and Sharon

Perhaps coming in last is lucky since, like Omar and Oz, Ankur and Sharon shot straight to first place this week. 

Sharon was, understandably, shaken before the judges entered their guest bedroom after last week’s fiasco but she didn’t need to be . The judges were thoroughly impressed with the room they delivered this time.

The judges loved the attention to detail and the warmth the room offered. Shaynna was particularly impressed with the styling. The one negative remark they received was that the skylight was too close to the restored ceiling rose.

Dylan and Jenny's guest bedroom
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Dylan and Jenny

The first thing the judges noticed about Dylan and Jenny’s room was that they were listening to feedback. 

All three judges were impressed with the warmth of the room and Darren and Neale were particularly taken with the choice of bedspread. 

The walk-in wardrobe was a highpoint with the judges enjoying the cheeky inclusion of the picture of Dylan and Jenny as part of the room’s styling.

rachel and ryan's guest bedroom
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Rachel and Ryan

Like last week, Rachel and Ryan had a huge room to renovate and perhaps that’s why they didn’t stick the landing with their painting this time around.

Darren was particularly upset by the paint job and Shaynna felt the skylight was an unnecessary addition in a room that already had a lot of natural light.

Once again the pair were criticised for not sticking to the country theme but neither seem interested in bending to the judges wishes in that area.

“If you want ‘country’, look out the window,” Rachel said.

Sarah-Jane and Tom's guest bedroom
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Tom and Sarah-Jane

After an impressive showing the last couple of weeks it was disappointing to see Tom and Sarah-Jane at the back of the pack this week.

Though overall the judges were impressed with the room, one big blunder cost them the challenge – the placement of the window meant it was near impossible to use the wardrobe. 

Tom stuck to his guns saying the window’s placement was centred when looking from the outside but Sarah-Jane believes its position in relation to the interior matters more. 

Omar and Oz's guest bedroom
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Omar and Oz

After doing so well last week the judges were a bit disappointed with what Omar and Oz delivered this week. 

The judges liked the VJ panelling and though they thought the floorboards looked great there was a concern they would make the room quite cold in winter.

Neale said he appreciated the pair’s ability to make the unexpected work, but said one day he worries that it just won’t come together. 


Week 4: Ensuites

Omar and Oz ensuite
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Omar and Oz

It looks like the curse still holds, whoever comes last the previous week comes first the next week. Omar and Oz have a knack for bathrooms as they’ve taken out the top spot again this time.

The judges couldn’t believe their eyes as they entered Oz and Omar’s ensuite. The incredible combination of textures and bright feel to the room had Shaynna comparing it to an upmarket country club.

The bath was a particular highlight, as was Oz’s lovely peacock origami.

Ankur and Sharon ensuite
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Ankur and Sharon

What a change from their last bathroom challenge! The most expensive ensuite (by far) this week really wowed the judges.

The couple went for a much brighter look this time and it paid off. Neale remarked just how much personality they had brought to the room.

The only downside was the double-sided fire. The judges appreciated the creative choice but worried it might remove some privacy for bathroom users.

Tom and Sarah-Jane ensuite
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Tom and Sarah-Jane

After their disastrous previous week, Tom and Sarah-Jane’s ensuite was a return to form for the couple. 

The judges loved the tile choice and sense of calm in the bathroom. Shaynna scolded them again for the lack of behind the mirror storage. 

Rachel and Ryan bathroom
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Rachel and Ryan

Rachel and Ryan’s resistance to country décor is beginning to put them at odds with some of the judges.

While Darren loved their ensuite, Neale was so disappointed with this room he said he had nothing to say about it. Shaynna is getting frustrated at the couple for not listening to her, she’ll continue to tell them to add more country touches until they do.

Dylan and Jenny ensuite
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Dylan and Jenny

This week we had our first unfinished room presented.


After being shut down early in the week and then their tiler going AWOL, the tradie pair Dyland and Jenny were devastated to present their incomplete ensuite.

The judges did appreciate the double shower and bench seat but it was clear the room wasn’t finished. Shaynna also commented that the couple have a habit of boxing things in and would like to see them open their rooms up some more.

Week 5: Master bedroom and robe

Sarah and Tom bedroom
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Sarah and Tom wardrobe
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Tom and Sarah-Jane

The judges were stoked when they walked into Sarah-Jane and Tom’s room this week. Shaynna loved the wood fireplace and said the whole room felt warm and welcoming. It took Neale a while to find his words but finally he simply said, “I love it!”. He couldn’t find anything to complain about. 

Darren was impressed with the walk-in wardrobe and loved Sarah-Jane’s styling. Shaynna worried about the lack of doors on the wardrobe but ultimately all judges were very impressed with the room. 

Ankur and Sharon bedroom
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Ankur and Sharon wardrobe
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Ankur and Sharon

Neale said Ankur and Sharon had delivered something he’d never seen on The Block before – antique furniture. Shaynna was impressed with the opulence of the room and couldn’t get over the view from the bed.

Shaynna would have loved to see a grand chandelier or a larger lighting fixture. She also worried they would run out of money soon if they continued to spend on statement pieces. 

However, all negative comments were blown away when the judges entered the walk-in wardrobe. They loved the centre island and the contrasting colouring. 

Rach and Ryan bedroom
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Rach and Ryan wardrobe
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Rachel and Ryan

Rachel and Ryan have butted heads with the judges a lot in previous week but finally decided to give into the country aesthetic. Darren literally hugged the fireplace when he entered.

Last week the judges felt the bathroom was ‘cold’ but this week they said the pair had improved immensely. Neale didn’t love the dried flowers and would have liked a larger rug but overall was impressed. “Two thumbs up,” said Darren, despite finding some issues with the painting finishing. 

Shaynna appreciated the wardrobe styling and enjoyed that it was a wardrobe with a view. 

Dylan and Jen bedroom
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Dylan and Jen wardrobe
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Dylan and Jenny

Unlike the other teams, Dylan and Jenny had the judges walk through the wardrobe first. Darren was surprised but said it actually works. The judges loved the size and the styling. Neale and Shaynna were impressed with the statement light fittings.

They loved the way the wallpaper flowed through from the ensuite all the way to the bedroom. However, the bedroom lacked a few finishing touches that would have improved their score. Neale said it felt rushed.


Over all the judges liked the room, but felt they had seen better rooms from Dylan and Jenny before.

Omar and Oz bedroom
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Omar and Oz wardrobe
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Omar and Oz

Immediately the judges weren’t so impressed with Omar and Oz’s room this week. They appreciated that the pair had kept the original room fittings but found overall it felt cluttered and messy.


Darren appreciated that they had learned from the guest room feedback and installed carpet this time. Shaynna wondered about the choice of the ottoman blocking the entrance to the ensuite. The judges also felt there was a lack of storage in the wardrobe.

However, with another bathroom challenge next week the boys will have a chance to redeem themselves.

Week 6: Guest bedroom and bathroom

Sarah-Jane and Tom bedroom
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Sarah-Jane and Tom bathroom
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Tom and Sarah-Jane

All the judges were taken aback when they entered Sarah-Jane and Tom’s ‘tartan room’.

Darren said it gave Ralph-Lauren vibes. Shaynna said she thought it was put together by a well trained eye and complimented the pair’s taste. She went so far as to suggest they become professional designers.

Neale appreciated Sarah-Jane and Tom’s confidence and ability to bring their personality to each room. 

Oz and Omar bedroom
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Oz and Omar bathroom
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Omar and Oz

The judges were immediately impressed when they entered Oz and Omar’s bedroom. They all said it was a huge leap forward compared to last week.

Neale was confused about the artwork leaning on the bed, which he realised must’ve fallen. Oz and Omar were equally confused and jokingly suggested foul play from Tom. 

The Japanese zen aesthetic continued into the bathroom, a touch that wasn’t lost on the judges. They loved that Omar and Oz used the same tiling as the last bathroom. Shaynna appreciated all the fittings and Darren loved the final touches. 


As always Oz’s origami impressed Shaynna who said she’d wear it as a bracelet if she could. Neale said the boys hold on to their title as the bathroom kings.

Rachel and Ryan Bedroom
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Rachel and Ryan bathroom
(Credit: Nine)

Rachel and Ryan

The first thing the judges noticed about Rachel and Ryan’s bedroom was that they had still brought the country theme into the ‘modern’ part of the house. Shaynna was impressed.


Neale agreed with Shaynna that they’ve got their basics down pat but would like to see them go bolder. Neale called it timid and Darren agreed they should be grander.

The bathroom was a whole different story. “Nothing timid about this,” said Neale as they walked in.

Shaynna was impressed with the bold basin and Darren said nothing about this room was a ‘safe’ choice. The judges called it “magazine worthy”.

Dylan and jenny bedroom
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Dylan and Jenny bathroom
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Dylan and Jenny

As usual, Dylan and Jenny’s attention to detail won over Darren as soon as he entered the bedroom. Shaynna would’ve liked them to add light switches next to the bed and Dylan acknowledged that was his failing. 

Neale and Shaynna loved the colours in the room. They appreciated the contemporary feel of the room. 

Darren loved the whole bathroom. When Neale questioned his affection for the lilac sinks, Darren simply said, “they’re pretty”. However, Shaynna didn’t agree. She also repeated her criticism that Dylan and Jenny tend to box things in. 

Ankur and Sharon bedroom
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Ankur and Sharon bathroom
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Ankur and Sharon

On entering the judges were overwhelmed with the size of the room. However, Neale noticed the unfinished touches very quickly. Some painting needed to be completed and they didn’t style the wardrobes. 

The same issues persisted in the bathroom. But the judges did recognise what a hard week it had been for Sharon and Ankur and were quick to acknowledge that the rooms had good bones, it just needed some extra TLC.


Week 7: Kitchen

Sarah Jane and Tom kitchen
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Tom and Sarah Jane

On entering Tom and Sarah-Jane’s kitchen Neale said, “sometimes I wish there was a word that meant wow times 100. Because wow just doesn’t cut it.” 

All of the judges were blown away with the room. They loved the oven and the incredible brushed rose-gold fridge. The mixed metals were a bold choice, but it paid off.  The judges awarded the pair 10s across the board. 

Oz and Omar kitchen
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Omar and Oz

All the judges were taken with the stunning timber ceiling in Oz and Omar’s kitchen. Shaynna said the kitchen oozed with drama, Darren called it ‘sultry’. They were impressed with the mix of textures and surprising warmth in the room. 

The judges were worried about the amount the boys spent on the kitchen, however, it paid off. 

Dylan and Jenny kitchen
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Dylan and Jenny

The judges were so impressed with the textures in Dylan and Jenny’s room. They felt it was an authentic country kitchen. However, Darren noticed the stools were too high for the kitchen island. 


All three judges loved the pendant lights and Darren was particularly impressed with how they used the lights to extend the room. Neale felt like it had personality and fit the house well.

Ankur and Sharon kitchen
(Credit: Nine)

Ankur and Sharon

This was Ankur and Sharon’s first room in the modern half of the house. The judges enjoyed the drama of the black kitchen island and felt it linked back well with the dramatic elements in the rest of the house.

They loved the setup of the kitchen but Darren was reserved about the colour of the fridge. Shaynna didn’t love the styling in the room and felt it was a bit disconnected.

Rachel and Ryan kitchen
(Credit: Nine)

Rachel and Ryan

Rachel and Ryan went for a contemporary rustic look this week and Shaynna wasn’t a fan. She called it a “kitchen without a soul”. All the judges hated the pendant lights and overwhelmingly felt the space was lacking. Darren praised the functionally and was impressed by the oven and pantry. However he worried that the cupboards were too high. 

Week 8: Dining and Living Room

Rachel and Ryan living space
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Rachel and Ryan

After eight long weeks, Rachel and Ryan finally took out a win. 


Shaynna screamed when she entered their enormous living and dining room. She felt that the pair had finally brought their personality out in their decorations.

All three judges loved the space and were happy to see how it tied into last week’s kitchen reveal. Shaynna was so excited she threw herself on to the lounge and couldn’t stop singing their praises. 

Oz and Omar living space
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Omar and Oz

The judges loved Oz and Omar’s room this week. The sophistication and elegance of the space won them a lot of praise from all three judges. 


However, Shaynna wondered how the boys could afford the baby grand piano. Contestants are not allowed to discount more than 50 per cent, but Oz and Omar had misinterpreted this on cost price instead of retail price. Therefore going over the 50 per cent cap.

Scott deducted three points from the boys and disqualified them from winning this week.

Dylan and Jenny living space
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Dylan and Jenny

The judges did not hold back on Dylan and Jenny this week. The mixture of contemporary and rustic features did not gel and the hideous dining table was a particular sticking point. 


Neale felt the pair had failed to use the space adequately, choosing furniture that didn’t compliment the grandeur of the room.

Sharon and Ankur living rooms
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Ankur and Sharon

Unfortunately, Sharon and Ankur presented an unfinished room again this week. 

Despite having the best looking room and the most loved ceiling decorations the judges couldn’t justify giving them high praise when the space lacked adequate decoration.


Darren was charitable enough to acknowledge that Sharon and Ankur had the largest space to work with.

WATCH BELOW: The Block houses arrive on site

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