
Prince Philip car crash: Eyewitness tells of horror

"There was glass and debris all over the road."

Eyewitness who were on the scene in the aftermath of The Duke of Edinburgh’s horrific car smash have spoken of what they saw.

The Prince was involved in a two-vehicle collision on Jan. 18


A Buckingham Palace spokeswoman confirmed Prince Philip was driving when the accident happened.

Now, details have emerged of a ‘bleeding’ Prince Philip screaming ‘my legs, where should I put my legs’ following a the horror smash involving his Land Rover.

The Duke , 97, was left trapped in his overturned car after the vehicle he was driving collided with a Kia carrying two women and a baby.

The incident is believed to have occurred after he was “dazzled by the sun”.


“I saw the car flip and thought f*****g hell,” witness, a barrister called Roy told the UK’s Sun.

“Before I even stopped I said… dial 999.”

Roy helped Philip out of his overturned Land Rover.

 “I looked down and had the Prince’s blood on my hands. All I could think is, thank goodness there wasn’t more,” he added.

prince philip
(Credit: MEGA)

Berneen Caney, 25, who witnessed the scene of the accident, said: “It appeared to be quite serious, there was a lot of glass over the road as well as debris, I saw one of the cars was quite badly damaged, as for the Range Rover, its windows were smashed.”

The support worker from King’s Lynn added: “By the time I passed by, the Range Rover had been tipped back up on its wheels.

“I didn’t see that much as I was more concerned the car in front of me was braking to turn off and that there was glass and debris all over the road.

(Credit: PA)

She added: “There was a lot of people there including police, and there was a paramedic there too.”

prince philip
(Credit: PA)

Both drivers involved in the collision were breathalysed, as is force policy, and both provided negative readings, Norfolk Police said.


A spokesperson for the police force has said:  “Norfolk Police can confirm officers attended a collision on the A149 at Sandringham today.

“Officers were called to the scene shortly before 3pm after a Land Rover and Kia were involved in a collision.

“The male driver of the Land Rover was uninjured. The female driver of the Kia suffered cuts while the female passenger sustained an arm injury, both requiring hospital treatment.

“We can confirm both casualties from the Kia have been treated at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in King’s Lynn and have since been discharged.


“The road remained open and both vehicles were recovered a short time later.”

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