
The Block’s Omar and Oz face penalties for rule breaking

All over a baby grand piano
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The Block’s Omar and Oz missed out on a win this week after breaking the show’s discount rules. 


Last night, host Scott Cam disqualified the pair from winning the living and dining room challenge and took three points from their total score. 

WATCH BELOW: The Block 2022 living and dining reveals

The pair should have scored 28.5, putting them only one point behind room winners Rachel and Ryan but the penalty had them tie second with Tom and Sarah-Jane instead. It also means their overall ranking is impacted.

The controversy is all down to one baby grand piano. 

The baby grand piano in Omar and Oz's house
Omar and Oz paid $7,000 for the baby grand piano. (Credit: Nine)

Contestants on The Block can only receive up to 50 per cent discount on item purchases for the house. The baby grand piano should retail for $36,000 but the boys paid $7,000 for it, well below the 50 per cent cap. 

According to Oz and Omar, the piano maker quoted them the cost price because he was struggling to sell it.  

“Everything was done right. It was the price that he wanted to give because he couldn’t sell it. It’s 14 years old,” Oz explained later.


However, Scotty said the rule refers to retail price so they should have spent at least $18,000. 

Scotty fuming at Omar and Oz
Scotty disqualified them from winning this week. (Credit: Nine)

“You can’t go and spend $7,000 on a piano and stick that in your room and expect me to let that slide boys,” he said during the judging.

Scotty suggested disqualifying Oz and Omar while handing them a three-point penalty, a punishment the other contestants agreed with.


The boys took the punishment in their stride but insisted they genuinely made a mistake. And, since their every move is followed by cameras, they were frustrated someone didn’t point out the issue earlier.

“They knew what the price was and what we were going to pay for it the whole, it would have been nice if someone said it couldn’t be done,” Oz said.

Oz and Omar after the judging
The boys were frustrated no one pointed out their mistake. (Credit: Nine)

The show has suffered in recent weeks regarding its treatment of some of its contestants and a lack of cultural understanding.


The unfair and downright racist harassment of Ankur and Sharon has turned some fans off the show completely. Oz and Omar have also experienced a disadvantage due to their religion when they were left out of a wine tasting challenge. Thankfully for Channel Nine they’re not holding any grudges. 

“The only thing that I thought was a bit unfortunate was a $50,000 prize – whether it be in wine for a cellar or money to use on the build – it’s a prize anyone would want to win,” Omar said.

“We’re not holding any grudges against anyone for that challenge, though.”

WATCH BELOW: The Block 2022 contestants

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