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‘Before I lost 90kg I was on a fast track to death’

Brisbane slimmer Veronica reveals how she transformed her life

An obese wife who was warned she was on a ‘fast track to early death’ has lost 90kg to win a body transformation championship.


Veronica Colbert, 33, from Brisbane, was shocked by the perilous prognosis three-years-ago after suffering with breathing difficulties and dizziness.

Months previously, while weighing over 150kg, she was asked by a doctor if she had considered weight loss surgery, during an appointment for an unrelated issue.

How to lose weight fast according to Brisbane slimmer
Veronica has revealed how she lost weight fast (Credit: Caters)

Remembering the shocking words, she opted for a gastric sleeve having tried countless diets, fads and exercise without success in the past.


Thanks to carefully considering her food intake, working out and small weight loss goals, she hit her target but was left with mounds of saggy excess skin.

Five months ago, she had surgery to remove 5kg of skin, ridding her of the ‘large arm flaps’, ‘saggy egg breasts’ and ‘wrinkled thighs’.

She continued to slim down to 59kg and last month was awarded first place in a competition for the Inaugural Queensland Transformation Championships.

Veronica, a procurement professional, said: ‘I never thought this would be possible. I always thought I would be the overweight and unhealthy person I was two years ago.


‘I just want people to know that there are options and it is achievable

‘At 150kg I never thought I would ever be in a position where I would be winning a transformation competition.

‘In fact, I thought I would never be able to lose weight. I felt like I was a lost cause.

How to lose weight fast according to Brisbane slimmer
The Brisbane slimmer changed her body and her life (Credit: Caters)

‘I feel so different. I feel healthier, more confident and able to participate in life. 

‘Most people find it hard to believe it is me when they see pictures. I find that hard to take as in my eyes I was just taking back my life and prolonging my life.’

Veronica’s weight gain took place over a decade, when she piled on a massive 100kg leaving her with a 36.6 BMI – the highest level of obesity. 

Veronica’s weight-loss wake-up call, arrived after doctors made judgements about her size and asked whether she had considered weight loss surgery


She said: ‘The doctor, who didn’t even know me, mentioned my weight and asked had I considered weight loss surgery. 

‘Offended I told him to go get stuffed and that it was rude of him to even bring it up considering the reason I was there was totally unrelated. 

‘Fast forward to a few months after that and I was told I was having issues with my heart. 

‘I had a leaky valve that was causing me to be breathless and have dizzy spells. My doctor told me I was on the fast track to an early death.


‘At the age of 31 this was hard to hear. It was time to consider options for losing weight

How to lose weight fast according to Brisbane slimmer
Slimmer Veronica now looks like a different woman (Credit: Caters)

‘It was at this time that I knew I had to find a permanent solution, so I remembered the comment the doctor had said about weight loss surgery and started researching it.’ 

Veronica went under the knife in 2016 for a gastric sleeve and was able to drop down to a healthy weight by September the following year.


But her success was overshadowed by her remaining excess skin.

Veronica said: ‘I had mixed emotions – in a way it was revering and at the same time I despised it.’

Veronica had an extended tummy tuck, arm lift, breast lift and bra-line lift in March, to rid her of 5kg of loose and hanging flab.

Since her transformation she says people are inspired by her online and in public she struggles with the attention she now gets from strangers.


Veronica said: ‘I get more attention and in turn I find it difficult to accept compliments.

‘When I was 150kg people used to say to me that I would look so much prettier if I lost weight. 

‘Beauty is not measured in kilograms. It is measured by your heart

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