MAFS sex shock! Explicit photos of MIKE revealed

We didn't see THIS coming...

Married At First Sight fans will never forget Mike Gunner tearfully admitting, “This is why I’m single at 44” over his lack of sensitivity. 

But perhaps it’s scenarios like this that affects his relationship status.

Radio listener, Louise, called into KiisFM’s Kyle & Jackie O Show on Wednesday to spill some serious tea on Heidi Latcham’s ex-husband.

“Louise, who did you hook up with on the show?” Jackie quizzed.

“Michael Gunner,” Louise revealed.

That’s when Jackie began to put pieces of the puzzle together. “That’s interesting because he said he hasn’t been with anyone since Heidi. When did you sleep with Mike?”

Louise claimed, “Just recently and also back quite a few years ago. And he went on my Facebook and accessed all of my women contacts and was hooking up with them through that as well.”


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Then came Louise’s juiciest tidbit!

Louise claimed she has PROOF of their dalliance. “I’m sure I’ve got some of his photos in the cloud that he used to send me. They were inappropriate, well, penis shots really.”

Now we’ll wait for Mike to return fire on these claims that Louise said are “100 percent true.”

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