Harry and Meghan renew their wedding vows

The couple are getting hitched again!
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They have started a new life in celebrity central and now Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have decided the time is right for that very Los Angeles rite of passage: the renewal of their wedding vows.

WATCH: Sneak Peek of Harry and Meghan documentary ‘A Royal Rebellion’

Despite the couple having an elaborate $38 million traditional royal wedding two years ago, New Idea has learnt they want to repeat the event – only this time, they plan to do it their own way.

“They both love the idea of an intimate ceremony with their closest friends and family,” a source claims.

Harry and Meghan
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have decided the time is right for that very Los Angeles rite of passage: the renewal of their wedding vows. (Credit: Getty)

It is also understood the couple have enlisted the help of Meghan’s best friend and stylist Jessica Mulroney to plan the special soiree.

Speculation is also rife that Jessica – who hosts I Do, Redo – could be trying to convince Meghan and Harry to sell their upcoming nuptials to the Canadian reality TV show about weddings.

Meanwhile, news of the couple’s plans is said to have left members of the royal family back in Britain furious, with some seeing it as just another insult, especially William.

But Harry and Meghan seem to think otherwise.

“They think this will symbolise a brand-new start for them both practically and spiritually,” says an insider.

“There’s a big part of Harry that’s doing this to show his love and commitment towards Meghan, too.”

Harry’s desire to yet again please his wife comes as reports continue to emerge of Meghan’s diva behaviour.

Harry and Meghan wedding
Despite the couple having an elaborate $38 million traditional royal wedding two years ago, New Idea has learnt they want to repeat the event. (Credit: Getty)

“I don’t think she deserves the attention. I wasn’t impressed with her and I’m just surprised she charmed the guy [Prince Harry],” a cameraman recently told The Daily Mail.

Meanwhile, it’s significant that the duke and duchess are considering this romantic gesture at a time when it’s reported that Harry is having a tough time adapting to life away from the UK.

Last week it was revealed that Prince Harry has confided to friends that he “still can’t believe this has happened” and that “he can’t believe his life has been turned upside down”.

The UK newspaper The Telegraph claims the prince was particularly missing his former military life and friends.

“He was in a happy place when he was serving in the Army, then he met Meghan and since then life has been great. But I don’t think he foresaw things turning out quite as they did,” their source revealed.

Since stepping down as senior royals there have been reports that some of Harry and Meghan’s choices recently have angered officials at Buckingham Palace. UK outlets reported that the timing of their announcement that they would no longer cooperate with certain newspapers – on the eve of the Queen’s birthday – caused anger among those close to her, according to Mail Online.

Harry and Meghan wedding
It is also understood the couple have enlisted the help of Meghan’s best friend and stylist Jessica Mulroney to plan the special soiree. (Credit: Getty)

If they go ahead with their idea to have a second wedding, it’s likely this will also be seen as yet another snub.

“They insist they don’t want to taint their original wedding, but getting remarried in America will be viewed as another gigantic slap in the face to the monarchy,” notes the insider.

“They had the most beautiful ceremony anyone on earth could wish for, but now they want to replace or at best supplement it with a new one?

“It’s typical of their tone-deaf mentality, but also shows how stubborn they are, plus ruthlessly determined, to start totally anew in the US.”

Having been forced to put off any celebration to mark their entry into the Hollywood social scene as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s thought when the time’s right, Harry and Meghan will also host a big, star-studded reception. Attending will be Meghan’s mum Doria Ragland, Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Lopez, Beyoncé, plus the Williams sisters.

It seems unlikely that any of the British royal family will be included.

For more, pick up the latest issue of New Idea. Out now!

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(Credit: New Idea)

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