Deciding to invest in a pet is a big decision. Part of being a good human when you make the decision to buy or adopt a pet means you give them a life commitment.
You owe it to them to provide a stable home, love them and look after them properly – not just for right now but forever.
WATCH NOW: How to adopt a cat. Article continues after video.
Before you commit, sit on it, take some time to think about it and do your research…

Cats make a great pet and are often discounted because someone in the family doesn’t like cats (usually a husband who’s ‘allergic’).
Don’t even get me started…
Cats are a lot less expensive than other pets and more independent, meaning they don’t need the same amount of energy.
They don’t eat much, use a litter box and can be great snugglers.
They’re also smart, loyal and excellent companions, and are especially great for primary-aged children, mums who already have too much to do, and the elderly.
But you still need to be able to afford to desex them, look after their teeth (which can be costly), vaccinate them, give regular vet care and good quality food.
They also need pats and handling!
Cats also live a really long time, so if you don’t know if you can take care of them for 15-20 years and have no time or money, don’t get a cat!

Dogs need exercise, so if you’re active or have the funds to hire a dog walker, a dog may be right for you.
Dogs are one of the loveliest, most loyal pets, but they take a lot of time and energy (especially as pups).
On top of the purchase price, you are going to need to have enough spare funds each month for insurance, parasite protection, vaccinations, medical bills and good food.
Dogs will also cost you time – they don’t toilet train themselves and it’s often like having an extra small child.
Don’t ever buy a dog because your children say they will look after it. They won’t.
As the adult, it’ll be your dog, so make sure you have the capacity to be the primary carer without any resentment.

Guinea Pigs and Rabbits
Guinea pigs and rabbits make excellent companions and become very bonded to their people.
They are cute and cuddly, and don’t need to be walked every day.
These pets do need quite a bit of care – medical care for rabbits (especially their teeth) can be expensive, feeding them good hay is also not cheap (no, they can’t just eat leftovers), and there is a lot of cleaning up after them.
Rabbits can be free range and litter trained like cats, but be warned – they also tend to nibble on your power cords!
Rabbits are loyal, assertive, smart and have a lot of personality, so if someone in your home is allergic to cats and you don’t have the time to walk or train a dog, a rabbit is a good choice.