In news that most definitely won’t sweeten your day, it has been revealed that the much-loved Starburst range of lollies have been discontinued in Australia.
WATCH: Starbursts discontinued in Australia
The shock news may have flown under the radar if it weren’t for a Sydney TikToker’s video going viral this week, where she asked her followers where to purchase the lollies as they seemed to be out of stock in all major supermarkets.
“Can someone tell me where these lollies went?” the user asked in the video.

“I’ve been looking everywhere – Big W, Coles, whatever – these lollies don’t exist … did they just stop selling them and no one realised?
“And I am having some sort of conspiracy theory did they just stop selling them and no one realised? If some one knows please let me know.”
As the clip made the rounds on social media, many demanded answers as to the whereabouts of the range, which included Starburst Fruit Chews, Gummies, GummiBursts, lollipops and Jellybeans.
“Omg the babies were my favourite!!!! Ok I need to know where they disappeared to,” one user commented on the video.
Another added, “I literally was searching for them yesterday because they didn’t have them in Sydney.”

Confectionary giants Mars Wrigley were soon to address the issue and confirmed that sadly, the range is no longer available Down Under.
“Like many businesses that are importing products from overseas, the brand has been exposed to supply chain difficulties and rising cost pressures over the last two years,” a spokesperson said.
“After reviewing all options, we’ve made the difficult decision to discontinue the brand in Australia from June 2022.”
“As a proud Australian manufacturer for more than 60 years, we are taking this opportunity to prioritise and invest in the brands and products we make locally in Australia such as M&Ms, Maltesers, Skittles, Snickers, Extra and Eclipse.”
Looks like it’s Allen’s snakes for us now!