Royal family get vocal about devastating Australian bushfires

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Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Prince William, Kate Middleton and Queen Elizabeth have sent out messages about the devastating bushfires in Australia.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex – who are currently on a six week hiatus in Canada – took to Instagram to offer words of support as well as links to the NSW Rural Fire Service and the Red Cross Australia.

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“Our thoughts and prayers are with those across Australia who are continuing to face the devastating fires that have been raging for months,” read the Instagram post.

The post continued: “From areas we are personally connected to such as the communities and people we visited in New South Wales in 2018, to the fires in California and parts of Africa, we are struck by the increasingly overlapping presence of these environmental disasters, including of course the destruction of the Amazon which continues. This global environmental crisis has now been described as Ecocide. It’s easy to feel helpless, but there’s always a way to help. To find out how you can lend your support, please see the links below to help as we have.”

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge also took to social media to voice their concern and send condolences.

“We continue to be shocked and deeply saddened to hear about the wild fires that are destroying homes, livelihoods and wildlife across much of Australia,” the parents to Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis wrote on their Kensington Royal Instagram page on Saturday.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with all the people and communities who are affected by this devastating event. We send our deepest condolences to the families and friends of those who have tragically lost their lives, and the brave firemen who continue to risk their own lives to save the lives of others. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.”

Meanwhile Her Majesty sent out a message saying that she and husband Prince Philip are deeply sadend by the bushfires which have claimed at least 21 lives — 17 from NSW, two from Victoria and two from South Australia.

“I have been deeply saddened to hear of the continued bushfires and their devastating impact across many parts of Australia. My thanks go out to the emergency services, and those who put their own lives in danger to help communities in need. Prince Philip and I send our thoughts and prayers to all Australians at this difficult time,” read the Instagram post.

Celebrities including Nicole Kidman, Keith Urban, singer Pink and comedian Celeste Barber have all donated big toward bushfire relief.

Both Kidman and Urban took to Instagram to announce they would be donating $500,000, saying: “Our family’s support, thoughts, and prayers are with everyone affected by the fires all over Australia. We are donating $500,000 to the Rural Fire Services who are all doing and giving so much right now. – KU”

Pop-star Pink who has pledged a whopping $500,000, saying the situation is “devastating”. 

Royal family
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex along with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have sent out their heartfelt condolences. (Credit: Getty)

“I am totally devastated watching what is happening in Australia right now with the horrific bushfires,” she said on Twitter.

“I am pledging a donation of $500,000 directly to the local fire services that are battling so hard on the frontlines.

Pink, Nicole Kidman, Keith Urban
Singer Pink as well as Nicole Kidman and husband Keith Urban have donated $500,000 toward bushfire relief. (Credit: Getty)

“My heart goes out to our friends and family in Oz.”

Meanwhile comedian Celeste Barber has been the driving force behind a Facebook campaign which has raised a staggering $17 million as of 9am (AEDT) on Sunday. 

Celeste Barber
Comedian Celeste Barber has been the driving force behind a Facebook campaign which has raised a staggering $17 million as of 9am (AEDT) on Sunday. (Credit: Facebook)

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