It’s the global pandemic that’s thrown the royal establishment into turmoil across the globe.
And in the wake of the news that Prince Charles is among the latest victims of COVID-19, the Danish monarchy has been left with no option but to take precautions to protect its own royal family – with heir Crown Prince Frederik and his wife Crown Princess Mary stepping up
to take over the throne.
Watch: Princess Mary and and Frederik share family video message while in isolation
It’s thought Frederik and Mary will take over the Queen of Denmark’s royal duties as the virus continues to spread, especially now that people over 70 years old are becoming increasingly vulnerable.
“Margrethe is 79, and it’s crucial she is well taken care of,” royal reporter Jacob Heinel Jensen tells New Idea. “You have to remember that she’s also a smoker, which makes her even more at risk.
“I would expect Frederik and Mary to step in and take over Margrethe’s duties if she cannot perform them.”
While the Queen’s decision to abdicate would go against Danish tradition – the last and only time a monarch stepped down was in 1146 – but drastic times call for drastic measures.
Denmark was the second country in Europe to go into lockdown, and with the number of active cases of the coronavirus only increasing, there’s a need to protect Her Majesty.
Rumours that Queen Margrethe II will soon take a back seat have been swirling for some time. It was thought she’d make the announcement to coincide with her 80th birthday on April 16, but her celebrations have since been cancelled because of the pandemic. The royal family
will need to make a decision sooner rather than later as the crisis worsens.
Fortunately, Frederik and Mary are well prepared for when that time comes. Jacob believes the Queen’s recent televised address was her biggest show of support yet for the couple.
“During the speech viewers could see a photograph of Frederik and Mary in the background,” he points out. “I believe that was to underline the fact that the couple is next in line to the throne and that their responsibilities are growing.”
Royals commentator Angela Mollard also points out that over recent months, Princess Mary has stepped up her own royal duties ahead of becoming queen.
“Mary is coming into her own. She could well be in charge imminently,” Angela said on New Idea’s Royals podcast. “The Danish palace has announced that she will be taking on a lot of Queen Margrethe’s duties when she’s absent. This is good practice.”
In March, Fred and Mary’s three-month trip to Switzerland was cut short as the killer bug continued to spread across Europe.
A statement issued by the royal house confirmed the family were returning to Denmark to “stand together with the Danish people” during the crisis.
“The Crown Prince Couple find it most natural to return home and stand together with the Danish people during a time that requires much of everyone and when there is
a common responsibility to look after each other,” the statement read.
Indeed, the couple have been sharing messages of support with the public, while Fred continues his duties from home.
The couple and their four children shared a heartwarming video on Instagram from their home, thanking the hard-working Danes for helping each other during this time.
This personal approach will stand them in good stead for when they head the monarchy.
“Both Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary are very popular according to the opinion polls,” Lars Hovbakke Sørensen, royals commentator and assistant professor at Denmark’s University College in Absalon, tells New Idea.
“They have the same support as Queen Margrethe. When Frederik takes over the throne he will have a lot of support from the people, as his mother has always had.”
It’s been a roller-coaster few weeks for the Danish royals, with Fred and Mary’s return, and Margrethe cancelling her birthday celebrations. While the Danes are reportedly still going to celebrate by singing for the queen from their balconies during lockdown, it’s thought she will spend the day in isolation.
“She will stay home at Fredensborg and have a quiet day with her lady-in-waiting on duty and an adjutant,” Trine Larsen, royals reporter at Billed-Bladet magazine, tells New Idea. “She will not even have her family there.”
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