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Bachelor in Paradise: Flo Alexandra spills the tea on Bill Goldsmith

It's girl code 101
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When Bachelor in Paradise intruder Florence Alexandra sailed up to the Fiji resort and swept Bill Goldsmith off onto her yacht for an overnight date she had high hopes for their connection.


She’d seen Bill before at her local dog park, they’d hung out, and dated… maybe.

WATCH! Flo reveal to Alex everything that happened with Bill on their date 

So when they get back to the resort the next day, Flo is stunned to find out Bill is actually in a bit of a thing with Alex.

In fact, Alex is so invested, she dumped Brooke for Bill


Flo gives Alex a blow-by-blow account of what went down on her overnight date with Bill.

“He said, literally, like ‘I can put your mind at ease about the rose ceremony and I cannot wait for more time in Paradise.”

Alex’s face is dumb stuck and can’t believe what she’s hearing. “So you feel like he implied he was giving you his rose?”

He was definitely implying that,” Flo shared.


Alex can’t quite believe why Bill would say these “unnecessary” things to Flo.

“Well yeah, like, girl code. I want you to know,” says Flo.

But it gets worse.

Flo has scalding tea to spill.


When the cameras had stopped rolling on their overnight stay, Flo tells Alex, Bill asked Flo to spend the night with him, but she says that she’d declined and went to her own room.


The penny finally drops for Alex that Bill had spent one night with her, and was more that prepared to spend the next night in Flo’s bed, if she’d have him.

“I feel sick to my stomach,” said a distraught Alex. “I feel devastated.”


Is this the end of Alex and Bill?

There’s so much trouble brewing in Paradise.

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