Well now a mum – who doesn’t even own a dishwasher! – has shared her latest cleaning trick using Aldi’s Logix Dishwashing Tablets… transforming her sink, which had years of built up paint and residue.Posting on the awesome Mums Who Clean Facebook page, member Heather writes: ‘Oh my goodness. Is there no end to what these bad boys can do? I have now done our oven, our shower glass and finally our laundry sink. My partner is a painter and this is where he washes his brushes and rollers and over the years it has built up and before now nothing got it off.(Image: Mums Who Clean/Facebook)(Image: Mums Who Clean/Facebook)‘This took me all of 15 minutes and it is GLEAMING! I am in utter shock. If anyone else has miracle uses for dishwashing tablets I am all ears!
She adds: ‘We don’t even have a dishwasher!’Revealing her technique using Aldi’s tablets, which cost just 14 cents each, Heather says: ‘Literally just wet it a little and use it to scrub. Super easy. Then just wipe over with a damp cloth!‘I have never enjoyed cleaning this much. Even did Mum’s oven!’Love it! Heather adds that it’s important to always wear gloves when cleaning with dishwashing tablets as they are caustic.