8 molasses substitutes and alternatives

How to add a dose sweetness without molasses

In Australian dishes molasses is often the dark horse, literally, its rich black consistency is an ingredient in many baking dishes in particular. Molasses also known as black treacle is the result of refining sugarcane into a liquid sugar form. The colour and sweetness vary depending on which phase it is taken from.

It is healthier than traditional white sugars and is often used in baking, cookies and sweet desserts. Out of molasses? Never fear here are eight of the best substitutes.

Types of Molasses

Light molasses has been boiled just once and is the sweetest variety. Dark molasses has been boiled twice, it is less sweet and has a stronger flavour than light molasses. Blackstrap molasses has been cooked for the longest, it has a more tart flavour is one of the richer molasses varieties, loaded with iron and calcium it appears very dark. Pomegranate molasses is the pomegranate juice that has been reduced down without sugar to form a rich syrup.

Where to buy molasses?

Out of molasses or never heard of it before? You can grab it from most supermarkets like Coles and Woolworths.

8. White sugar

As a last resort yes you can substitute white sugar for molasses. To do so stir together ¼ cup of water with ¾ cup of sugar until a think syrup forms. Best in: cookiesRecipe suggestion:Mocha Pavlova

7. Golden Syrup

Yes, golden syrup can be subbed in for molasses in most recipes, although it will result in a very different flavour. Golden syrups flavour is much lighter and can be swapped in cup for cup.Best used in: gingerbread or cookies.Recipe suggestion:Baked golden syrup pudding

6. Honey

(Credit: Getty Images)
Honey is just about the next best thing when it comes to a molasses alternative. Its thick liquid consistency is similar to molasses and its taste is consistently sweet in comparison to molasses which can vary depending on variety. Swap in the honey cup for cup. Best used in:cookies

5. Palm Sugar

Most commonly used in Asian cooking, plam sugar is a great alternative to molasses in recipes that aren’t looking for stickiness. It is available in both liquid and crystal form and works best in those more savoury dishes. Best used in:savoury dishes

4. Maple Syrup

(Credit: Getty Images)
Although it isn’t as dark as molasses maple syrup can be easily substituted in recipes. It will give the dish a lighter flavour and golden colour. It is also relatively healthy, it contains fifteen times more calcium to honey. Best used in: pancakes, porridge

3. Muscovado sugar

In its dense crystal form muscovado sugar is a great swap for molasses. It’s dark brown colouring offers a seamless swap in baking dishes although its flavour is sweeter

2. Brown rice syrup

Brown rice syrup makes for a great molasses substitute, be wary though you’ll need to double the amount of brown rice syrup in the recipe so you might need to reduce the other liquids on the ingredients list. Best used in: biscuits

1. Barley Malt Syrup

Barley malt syrup can be subbed in for molasses in most recipes although it isn’t as sweet if you’re after a sugar hit you’ll need 1 cup of barley malt to every ⅔ cup of molasses. Best used in: slices and cakes

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