EXCLUSIVE: Chris and Liam Hemsworth join Celeste Barber at Byron Bay fire fundraiser

Now THIS is star power.
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Give them a Hemsworth and the people will come.

EXCLUSIVE MUST WATCH: Chris and Liam Hemsworth join Celeste Barber onstage

Byron Bay’s Beach Hotel was the place to be on Thursday evening, thanks to Chris and Liam Hemsworth, and Australia’s biggest girl crush and all-round legend, Celeste Barber

The comedienne added to her $50 million bushfire fundraising effort by rallying the country’s hottest Hollywood exports for the Make It Rain: Fund the Firies 2020 event at the NSW Far North Coast hotspot.

Chris, Celeste and Liam.
(Credit: Diimex)
Chris & Liam Hemsworth and Celeste Barber
(Credit: Diimex)
(Credit: Diimex)
(Credit: Diimex)
(Credit: Diimex)

Celeste MC’d the event, which saw Chris announce he would be auctioning off a workout session with himself and wife Elsa Pataky. The bidding closes January 17 and has already reached the tens of thousands mark.

It comes after Chris and Elsa pledged a whopping $1 million to the bushfire effort, which is in the midst of a horrific season.

‘As you’re well aware the bushfires in Australia have caused massive devastation,’ Chris explained to his Instagram followers this week.

‘They’re continuing to burn with warmer weather on its way. We’re still in the thick of it here with plenty of challenging times ahead and still to come. So, what we need is your support and your donations.

‘I want to support the fight against the bushfires here in Australia. My family and I are contributing a million dollars. Hopefully you guys can chip in too. Every penny counts so whatever you can muster up is greatly appreciated. In my bio I’ve added links to support the fire fighters, organisations and charities who are working flat out to provide support and relief during this devastating and challenging time. Beyond appreciative to everyone around the world for their well wishes and donations. It really does make a difference, so dig deep!’ 

Bernard Fanning, Celeste and Chris.
(Credit: Diimex)
Celeste and Liam.
(Credit: Diimex)
Chris, Celeste and Liam.
(Credit: Diimex)
Chris, Celeste and Liam.
(Credit: Diimex)
(Credit: Diimex)
Chris, Celeste and Liam.
(Credit: Diimex)
Chris, Celeste and Liam.
(Credit: Diimex)
(Credit: Diimex)

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