The mums of MAFS’ epic take over!

For some, the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree...
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He’s turned Australia against him with his wild outbursts and brutal “honesty”, but now it seems that Bryce has ticked off his own mum – and she’s not the only parent to have caught fans’ attention.

WATCH BELOW: MAFS’ Bryce’s secret girlfriend is exposed

In episode 18 of Married At First Sight, viewers were treated to a movie-like screening of a video call between the brides and grooms and their family and friends – in what would have been home-stays for the participants.

But in a typical MAFS twist, it turns out their loved ones had been privy to a first row seat of the couple’s first three commitment ceremonies, where all the drama has thus far unfolded.

One mum in particular has had the backing of fans as she unapologetically scolded her son, otherwise known as Bryce, in an epic showdown.

bryce melissa mafs
“‘You’re not even listening!’ You need to listen.” (Credit: Nine)

Speaking to Bryce on his behaviour, she said: “Probably a little bit concerning. It’s been lovely to watch you but I’ve been a little bit worried how you’ve reacted to some things. Overreacted to some things.”

She also said that she believes the experts have actually “picked” his personality, and that he does in fact become “defensive”.

“You become outspoken. And they’re giving you advice and I’m thinking, ‘You’re not even listening!’ You need to listen,” she said.

And she didn’t stop there, she went on to say that his behaviour is an example of “immaturity” and even hinted that Melissa should leave him.

“In all honesty, I don’t know why she is sitting next to you at this point!” she said.

bryce mum mafs
Bryce’s mum (left) unapologetically scolded her son on TV. (Credit: Nine)

Fans flocked to Twitter to share their reactions of what went down, with almost all taking to praise Bryce’s mum.

“Bryce’s mum is the hero we didn’t know we needed,” one user tweeted.

Another said: “Bryce getting absolutely owned by his mum is this season’s best twist by far.”

“I’m loving watching Bryce get roasted by his own mother,” said a fellow user.

beck mum mafs
Beck’s mum (left) was also quite the talking point for many viewers. (Credit: Nine)

Beck’s mum was also quite the talking point for many viewers, but for all the wrong reasons.

While Bryce’s mum was quick to call out her son’s behaviour, Beck’s mum stood firmly on the defence – leaving fans to witness the uncanny resemblance between the mother and daughter.

When Beck began talking about how on their wedding day Jake treated her “like an object”, her mum was quick to cut in with her own opinion on the matter.

“That’s a big red flag for me, I’m sorry. I heard you went out with the boys instead of staying with Beck. Has that destructive behaviour continued?” she said.

She went on to say he needed to apologise to Beck and not to “do it again”, after he was accused of not listening to his bride and also not spending enough time with her.

jake beck mafs
Jake was left rather dazed after the mother-like-daughter duo took the show by storm. (Credit: Nine)

Jake, like the rest of Australia it seems, was left rather dazed after the mother-like-daughter duo took the show by storm.

“Can you imagine bringing those families together? It wouldn’t be a nice Christmas dinner,” he said.

Fans also pipped in, with one saying: “Seeing Bec’s mum is starting to make a lot more sense about her.”

“Bec’s mother is the type of person who will defend their child for murder while their child is holding the murder weapon in their hand,” another user tweeted.

I think it’s safe to say the next family gatherings would be quite the whirlwind…

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