
Brooke Jowett gets nude to show Bachelor Locky Gilbert what he’s missing

That'll definitely get his attention!
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Survivor star Brooke Jowett is showing her ex-boyfriend, the newly announced Bachelor Australia Locky Gilbert what he is missing.


WATCH: Locky Gilbert talks 2020 Bachelor and ex Brooke Jowett

Taking part in Lee Carseldine’s “towel challenge” for the Stroke Foundation, the Melbourne personal trainer, 26, covered her taut, nude body with a white towel as she posed for the camera.

She wrote: “One in four of us will have a stroke in our lifetime. That is an extremely high number so it’s time to do something about it!⁣ ⁣

“For those who missed it, my dear friend @leecarseldine lost his beautiful mother to a stroke while filming in Fiji late last year. Lee is among thousands of Australian families who are devastated by this disease.⁣ ⁣@strokefdn says stroke can be prevented. Awareness is key!⁣ ⁣


“Join #towelchallenge and help raise awareness of stroke and funds to support stroke research. Take a cheeky towel photo, post it in black and white, call out your mates and make a donation. Let’s make a difference.⁣”

Brooke shows Locky what he is missing
Brooke shows Locky what he is missing

Australian Survivor fans were enthralled with the alliance-turned-relationship between Locky and Brooke – but a TV insider has now reveals that the whole thing was a “fake set-up”.

The shock news was met with confusion by Survivor fans, who were under the impression the 30-year-old was in a relationship beyond the show with Brooke, 26.


However, a TV insider has told New Idea the relationship was purely fictional and completely masterminded by the fame-chasing duo.

Locky and Brooke were the ultimate couple on Survivor: All Stars. (Credit: Ten)

“It was a huge fake setup for publicity,” reveals our source.

The insider claims Locky and Brooke were aware that if they concocted a ‘showmance’ it would increase their popularity among viewers.


“Both Locky and Brooke love the fame and knew they would get more airtime on Survivor and last longer in the game if they acted like they were a couple,” the insider continues.

“And producers also encouraged them to do this.”

The insider adds that the pair kept up the ruse beyond the show to ensure that viewers were heavily invested in both of them.

Is Brooke the next Bachelorette? (Credit: Supplied)

However, the insider says it was all part of a grand plan, with Locky and Brooke harbouring aspirations of starring in The Bachelor and The Bachelorette.

“Once filming wrapped, they just kept up the charade for their socials and Instagram so that noone would suspect they would be announced as Bachelor and Bachelorette.”

Now that Locky has been confirmed as the Bachelor, the insider believes it’s only a matter of time before Brooke is named the next Bachelorette.

“With the announcement of Locke as Bachelor, now everyone is like, Well, what happened to Brooke?'”


Locky’s social media post announcing his role on the reality dating program was met with confusion from fans asking about the status of his relationship with Brooke.

(Credit: Instagram)

Even Season 1 Survivor contestant El Rowland admitted she was sure Locky and Brooke were dating.

“I thought him and Brooke were together wahhh but hopefully he finds the love of his life,” El posted.


However, other savvy fans espoused conspiracy theories that Brooke could already be lined up as an intruder. Brooke even liked a comment on her account which read: “So your [sic] going on bachie with him right?!”

For the most part, Brooke has remained evasive to these comments, but she did respond directly to one commenter who posted: “She told me she’s going to be on the show / the next Bachelorette anyways!”to which Brooke immediately responded: “Haha no I didn’t!”

Meanwhile, the TV insider adds that Network Ten are pleased to have secured the immensely popular Locky as the next Bachelor.

“Producers knew if they brought in another nobody like Matt Agnew last year, it would flop, so Locky was the perfect pick,” the insider says.

Fans are thrilled with Locky being the 2020 Bachelor. (Credit: Instagram)

“Producers knew if they brought in another nobody like Matt Agnew last year, it would flop, so Locky was the perfect pick,” the insider says.

“He was just voted out of Survivor and really caused a lot of drama on the show this season – which by the way, all makes sense now.”

Applications are still open for Locky’s series of The Bachelor, which is rumoured to commence filming shortly.


Producers will undoubtedly be hoping Locky’s announcement might lead to a spike in interesting characters vying to appear on the show.

For more, see this week’s New Idea – out now! 

New Idea
(Credit: New Idea)

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