
Chezzi Denyer’s shock relapse confession

The mother-of-two confesses she was overdoing it!

Chezzi Denyer has embarked on a detox after confessing to a relapse.


‘Life gets hard. We get busy. We revert back to our old habits,’ the mother-of-two confessed in an emotional Instagram post.

‘It takes courage to fight those old habits. It takes strength and determination to power on when things are hard,’ she added.

Chezzi went on to say she has seen ‘many people down and out lately, battling to survive’.  


‘I am so honoured and so impressed by the resilience I’ve witnessed, but more than that, I’m in total awe of everyone I’ve met so far doing it tough,’ she went on. ‘And not for one second do I feel my journey compares with theirs at all, most of the people I’ve met lately are surviving conditions I don’t think I could ever manage. They’re silent heroes,’ she continued.

The wife of Grant Denyer also detailed the detox she has embarked on where she planned to cut out coffee, sugar, alcohol, bread and fatty foods.

‘I was chugging almost four coffees a day,’ she revealed, adding that consequently she was ‘sleeping terribly’.

‘Relying on chocolate licorice to get me through tough days… I felt gross. I had no energy. I needed to make some changes. So I picked a date and committed,’ Chezzi continued.


In the past Chezzi has spoken about her battle with emotional eating and how she ‘once ate 11 slices of pizza in a few minutes’.

new idea

For the full story see this weeks issue of New Idea, on sale now. 

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