TIP! These tasty raspberry sundae cupcakes can be prepped a day ahead and decorated with various toppings. Choose your colour of preference for the icing and finish off with your choice of decoration; cream, sprinkles, wafer, raspberries or all of the above.
Line a 12-hole muffin pan (1/3-cup capacity) with paper cases.
Prepare cupcake mix according to packet directions, reserving frosting sachet. Divide evenly among prepared paper cases.
Cook in a moderately slow oven (160C) for about 25 minutes, or until cooked when tested. Remove. Stand in pan 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool.
To make frosting, beat butter in a small bowl of an electric mixer until pale and creamy. Gradually add sugar and reserved frosting sachet, beating until smooth. Beat in milk until combined. Tint pink with colouring. Transfer frosting to a disposable piping bag fitted with a 1cm star-shaped nozzle.
Using a small sharp knife, cut a circle from the top of each cake, about 11⁄2cm deep. Reserve circles for another use. Fill holes with jam. Pipe frosting over top of cupcakes.
Just before serving, pipe whipped cream on top of frosting. Decorate with sprinkles, raspberries and wafers.