TIP: We used Lawsons Original White bread or any large, thick bread slices are suitable. Frozen cherries can be replaced with mixed berries and pudding is best made close to serving.
Grease a round ovenproof dish (10-cup capacity).
Spread butter over one side of bread slices. Spread half of the conserve over three of the bread slices. Cut all slices in half crossways. Arrange slices alternately, slightly overlapping in prepared dish. Â
To make custard, whisk together eggs, cream, milk, sugar and vanilla in a large jug until combined. Carefully pour over bread in dish. Stand for 15 minutes to soak. Sprinkle with half of the cherries, poking some in between bread. Scatter over chocolate.
Cook in a moderately slow oven (160C) for 40 to 45 minutes, or until golden and custard is set. Stand for 30 minutes.
Cook in a moderately slow oven (160C) for 40 to 45 minutes, or until golden and custard is set. Stand for 30 minutes.
Spoon cherry syrup over top. Serve with ice-cream.