Beloved Aussie chicken chain Red Rooster has launched an Artificial intelligence-powered t-shirt that will deliver chicken right to your doorstep.
Designed to satisfy your hunger cravings in real-time, the bespoke technology (also known as crave_ware) tunes into your stomach rumbles, cleverly distinguishes them from other bodily noises, and places a personalised meal order with Red Rooster on your behalf.
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Whether it’s a small chips or a meal deal, your order will be based on the intensity and duration of your tummy rumbles.
Each on-brand bright red t-shirt comes with a built-in microphone that actively listens to your stomach, supported by AI technology, the microphone then uses Bluetooth to then send this data to a personalised app that scans your sounds.
From there, an order is placed, and you’ll be sent a text or email letting you know that your delivery is either en route or will be ready for pickup shortly.
This process of course can’t take place if you don’t download the app and preload your payment information and delivery details.
Director of Marketing at Red Rooster Ashley Hughes described the innovative AI-powered t-shirts as a way of “bringing some fun” into the lives of customers.
“By using AI technology, we’ve created a solution that not only understands hunger cues but also takes the initiative to place orders on behalf of the consumer.”
“Crave-ware delivers the ultimate in food convenience to our customers, before they even know they need it,” she added.
Jono Casley, Chief Operating Office at whiteGrey (the team behind the tech) said the crave_ware powered t-shirts would help chicken lovers across the nation plug directly into their appetites.
“Behind the convolutional neural network is some seriously cool tech that means you can bypass the normal decision-making process and let your stomach do the ordering for you. I mean we’ve got AI threatening to write our copy and pull together all our imagery for us, so why not [let it order] chicken for us?”
For those keen to give the t-shirt a go, crave_ware is set to launch very soon.
Stay up to date about when it will be coming to a restaurant near you here.