Competition and strategic gameplay is getting fierce on Big Brother this week, and no one is safe.
After Talia’s brutal blindside at the hands of Angela, it was Danni’s turn to face eviction.
One little white lie led to a domino effect of backstabbing and gossip that would ultimately send the 34-year-old home.
WATCH: Big Brother puts Kieran’s driving to the test.
Scrambling to keep the target off his back, Kieran threw Danni under the bus by starting a rumour she’d called Garth a “snake”.
As the rumour wheel began to spin, Danni, Zoe, and Garth found themselves caught up in the drama, turning on one another.
In the eviction room, tensions peaked and the truth began to come out.

Despite being the most innocent housemate in the vicious rumour wheel and horrified by the realisation of what had been unfolding under her nose, Danni was ultimately the one eliminated.
Now, Danni reveals to New Idea that while she looked bamboozled by the gossip, she knew Kieran was to blame and made one final move that (although may be the greatest thus far) went virtually unnoticed.

How are you feeling after you eviction?
I’m feeling good. Every step from start to finish, I think has been an incredible journey. I definitely did not see the high school division kind of schoolyard context happening, that was really weird. But other than that, it was everything that I would have hoped it would be.
How did you deal with the house divide, clicks and gossip?
Being 34, you kind of move past that era in your life. It was starting to get really personal; people were personally getting emotional and personally making moves based on emotion. It kind of lost that strategic gameplay.
Were you surprised to be nominated by Angela?
I didn’t think I would be a threat at that point. She lies. So I know that she had said that I brought her down or I was negative or something like that, which I don’t know where that’s come from.
The way that it unravelled, it started with Kieran’s lie. When you get to know Garth you’ll get to know that gossip is really, really great. So, when Kieran told that lie to Garth, he was trying to gain his trust by using gossip and it worked, but I don’t think Kieran’s intention was ever to get me out.
When did you realise Kieran was to blame for your eviction?
As soon as Garth said, ‘I got told you called me a snake’, I knew 100 per cent it was Kieran. I know him so well and I know his game.

Why not expose him and try save yourself?
I made it a point not to bring up Kieran’s name in that eviction because I really, really loved him. And I really backed his gameplay.
I really wanted to highlight Garth because I would never have got an opportunity to do it. I really think that he’s such a huge threat, that the house needed to see just what he was capable of.
As far as I’m concerned, what Garth did was just as sneaky as what Kieran did.
That may be one of the greatest final gameplays we’ve seen yet. You must see Garth as a huge threat…
100 per cent. He very quickly moulded himself to every single group in that house. I don’t think people had seen how sneaky he was until this point. So I wanted to make sure I didn’t go down without making an impact in some way because I felt so robbed.