I always wanted to become a mum.
There were other things I wanted to do as well, but nothing was as important as having kids and creating a family with someone special.
WATCH NOW: Bert and Patti Newton’s Best Family Photos. Article continues after video.
Both of my parents had such successful careers, achieving so much, but they always said that the most magical part of their lives was having children together.
Dad won so many Logies, loved radio, television and theatre, but family to him was what was important in life and family came before everything else.

Winning combination
Now as a mum of six I know that they were absolutely right. Matt and I live for our kids and they’re the centre of our world.
Our 15-year-old son, Sam, recently had a huge win in the pool and as Matt and I watched the race, I noticed that Matt had tears in his eyes and was filled with emotion.
He later told me that watching Sam win his race meant as much, if not more, to him as it did winning his own Olympic medals.
It wasn’t just that he swam so well under pressure, but more his confidence and determination and just how gracious he was no matter the outcome of the race.

Enjoy the journey
We are surrounded by six amazing little people and although there are certainly challenges along the way, it’s so rewarding.
We’re helping guide them through their early years, but they have so much to teach us too.
I sometimes find myself caught between how things used to be and how they are now.
Our world has changed so much since I was growing up and it’s difficult sometimes to change with it.
I find my older children are wonderful at guiding and re-educating us. They challenge us and quite often are much more knowledgeable than we were at that age.
They each play a very important role in our family and I often joke how I’d manage without them.

Kindness wins out
I often call on Lola’s ‘tech support’ or Eva’s baking advice and they’re both always more than happy to lend a hand looking after their siblings.
Someone said to me the other day just how lovely my kids are to one another and I found it the most wonderful compliment, because we obviously must have done something right if (most of the time) they’re looking after one another and being loving and kind.
It’s certainly something I’ll remind myself of on the harder days where I’m struggling, feeling overwhelmed and questioning whether having six children really was the best idea!