Bachelor In Paradise: ‘No one lies to my mum and gets away with it’

You hearing this, Bill?
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Meeting the parents 101: Don’t lie.


Unfortunately for Bill Goldsmith, he did just that when he met Alex Nation’s mum on Wednesday night’s episode of Bachelor In Paradise.

“I’m so excited to have my mum here. She’s my rock,” Alex told viewers ahead of their very first introduction.

“My mum’s opinion really matters to me… no one lies to my mum and gets away with it… She sees things I completely miss in people.”


Straight up, Alex’s mum asks Bill, “What would you do differently or better than Richie?”

Of course she was referring to her daughter’s very public relationship with The Bachelor, Richie Strahan.

“I’d be there for Alex… I don’t think you can have a relationship with someone that’s not there,” he replied. Smooth.


Then came the lie that could unravel him.

Mama Nation asked, “Have you ever dated anyone that’s had a child before?”

To which he swiftly replied, “Yes I have.”

Meanwhile, close by, Bill’s brother was having a good chinwag with Alex. 

When she asked him the same question, big bro responded with, “No he hasn’t.”

Cue Australia’s collective sigh.

Then Alex and her mum got together for a debrief.

“He is very charming,” Mrs N said dryly. “I really want to make sure you’re making the right choice here.”

In so many words, she’s not loving Bill, while Alex tells a producer, “I’m madly in love with him.”

To be continued…


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