Reality TV

“We’ve got this”: Hamish Blake and Zoë Foster Blake hit the couch for Celebrity Gogglebox Australia

Celebrity Gogglebox Australia premieres on Foxtel on March 2.
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Australia’s favourite celeb couple Hamish Blake and Zoë Foster Blake have announced their latest TV gig, and it’s safe to say we will all be tuning in.

WATCH: Celebrity Gogglebox announced

Zoë and Hamish are part of the star-studded lineup of the highly-anticipated debut season of Celebrity Gogglebox, which premieres on Foxtel on March 2.

The show everyone has been waiting for will invite viewers into the loungerooms of our most famous celebrities as they step away from their known habitats – panel desks, radio mics, stages, stoves, and television hosting duties.

Zoe and Hamish are set to join Celebrity Gogglebox Australia. (Credit: Instagram)

So get comfy on the couch with the celebs as they become our first famous armchair critics on Celebrity Gogglebox Australia.

“We’ve trained every night for this over the last ten years, we’ve got this,” Hamish said of his latest TV gig.

Brian Walsh, Executive Director of Television at Foxtel said the network waited until the “right time” to create a celebrity spin-off of the long-running show.

“Foxtel has always held the view that if we were able to take one of our most successful shows and modify it and lift it with a celebrity version, we had to deliver the strongest lineup of Australian celebrities,” he said.

Hamish and Zoe will undoubtedly become fan favourites. (Credit: Instagram)

“We believe we have delivered just that, for what will undoubtedly be one of the highlights of Australian television in 2022.

“We agreed right at the very beginning that this would not be a self-serving, promotional exercise for Foxtel or 10. It’s easy to throw celebrities at a show. There’s a lot of that on Australian commercial television. But we were only interested in the A-Team for Celebrity Gogglebox.”

More big celeb names will be announced by Foxtel in the lead-up to the show’s March premiere.

“What we’ve gathered is a fantastic line-up. We’re confident it’s going to be popular, and I would hope that it becomes a regular fixture of the Gogglebox season,” Brian said.

This article first appeared on our sister site, TV Week.

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