Constance Hall: Why everyone really hates me

She believes she's a victim of "tall poppy syndrome."
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Constance Hall believes the reason “everyone hates” her is because of her large following.

WATCH: Constance Hall says she’s victim of Australia’s tall poppy syndrome 

I think it’s probably one of the main reasons that everyone hates me, because the following got so big,” the successful author told 60 Minutes on Sunday night. Constance (who sold 175,000 copies of her first book) noted her opinions weren’t exactly popular, joking she was “probably going to get snipered tomorrow.”

The controversial blogger revealed the online trolling even caused her to have suicidal thoughts, saying, “I felt like there was no getting away from [the suicidal thoughts]. They were really creeping in.

“There was definitely a time where I was just like, it would just be easier to not even be here.”

“It was something that sort of swirled around in my head. I’d never felt like that before. I’d never even considered, I was, like that’s terrifying. How could anyone do that you know?”

Constance Hall 60 Minutes tall poppy syndrome
Constance Hall told 60 Minutes that “tall poppy syndrome” was the reason people hated her. (Credit: Instagram)

However, the mother-of-seven said she eventually rose above the hate and continued to thrive.

“There came a time where I was like, ‘everyone f**k off. I’m just going to write what I want to write. And if you don’t like it, don’t read it,” she told 60 Minutes.

“If you’re upset because you’re a five-foot bogan that didn’t make it, then f**king make it. Whatever’s blocking you, do what you need to do to get happy too, because If I can be successful, then anyone can literally.”

Constance Hall 60 Minutes interview
Constance Hall founded the blog Queens of Constance. (Credit: Instagram)

In the candid conversation with the Channel Nine program, Constance said she no longer cared about angering men.

“As soon as you become a mum, you just get typecast as just a mum, and it really takes over your whole life. And that’s what I’m trying to change, you can be a mum and be a legend,” she said.

“You can be a mum and you can travel. You can do this, because your husband should be doing 50 per cent of the child rearing too…(Men) need to step up.

“I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t believe it to be true. I’m not trying to p*ss off the white Australian man, but I don’t care if I do.”

Constance Hall 60 Minutes interview
Constance Hall claims you can be a mum and be a legend. (Credit: Instagram)

Constance – who has racked up an impressive 400k following on Instagram – also doesn’t want to be referred to as a “mummy blogger.”

“I think people like me because life’s just not perfect. You know? It’s not happily ever after. It’s not meant to be,” she said.

“That’s what I do. I make people feel better about their lives because mine’s so crap. So everyone goes, I love hanging out with Con, I feel like I can handle this now.”

Constance Hall 60 Minutes interview
Constance Hall says she doesn’t want to be referred to as a “mummy blogger.” (Credit: Instagram)

Despite Constance believing she has an imperfect life, the 36-year-old appears to be doing well for herself. Since rising to fame, she has launched two successful books and her own clothing line.

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