Brad Pitt’s mum hasn’t seen her grandkids

Jane is distraught about being distanced from Brad's kids.

Brad Pitt’s mother Jane is ‘heartsick’ after being torn away from her beloved grandchildren, the National Enquirer has sensationally reported.

According to the US publication’s insiders, Pitt’s parents – Jane and Bill Pitt – haven’t seen the couple’s six children since Angelina Jolie hit brad with divorce papers in 2016. 

(Credit: Getty)

‘The kids used to visit all the time,’ Joy Edmond, a neighbour of the Pitts, told National Enquirer. 

Jane reportedly clashed with Jolie when the couple were together, National Enquirer’s report claimed. 

The Pitt family is yet to respond to the National Enquirer’s report. 

national enquirer

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