We used Betty Crocker frosting available from supermarkets. Piping nozzles are available from cake decorating shops or online from Cakers Warehouse.
Line a 12-hole muffin pan (1⁄3– cup capacity) with paper cases.
2 Beat butter, sugar and rind in a small bowl of an electric mixer until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs, one at a time, until combined. Transfer to a large bowl.
3 Fold in milk and sifted flour in two batches, until combined. Divide batter evenly among paper cases.
4 Cook in a moderate oven (180C) for about 20 minutes, or until cooked when tested. Remove from oven. Stand for 5 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.
5 To make icing, beat butter in a small bowl of an electric mixer until pale and creamy. Add sugar, 1⁄2 cup at a time, beating until combined. Tint yellow with colouring. Transfer to a piping bag fitted with a Wilton #366 Leaf Piping Tip.
6 Spoon half the chocolate frosting into a piping bag fitted with a 1 1⁄2cm plain nozzle. Pipe a 2cm circle of frosting in the centre of each cupcake.
7 To pipe petals, start from the centre of each cupcake and pipe outwards. Continue in a clockwise direction to cover cupcake, about 6 to 7 petals in total. Repeat piping another layer of petals, starting in the space between the existing petals.
8 Spoon remaining chocolate frosting into a separate piping bag fitted with a 1⁄2cm star nozzle. Pipe frosting into the centre of cupcake, as pictured.