It is easier to pour topping over the tart while it is still in the fridge. Tart can be made up to one day ahead. You will need about 3 to 4 passionfruit for this recipe.
Grease a 13cm x 35cm rectangular loose-base an tin. Place on a tray.
2 Process cookies in a food processor until finely crushed. Add butter. Process until combined. Press evenly over the base and up sides of prepared tin. Refrigerate.
3 To make filling, combine cream, milk and sugar in a large saucepan over a medium heat. Stir until sugar is dissolved and mixture is hot. Do not boil.
4 Whisk together yolks, custard powder and corn flour in a medium heatproof bowl. Whisk in 1⁄4 cup hot milk mixture until smooth. Gradually whisk in remaining hot milk mixture. Return to same saucepan.
5 Whisk continuously over a medium heat for about 4 minutes, or until mixture is boiling and thickened. Stir in passionfruit. Pour into biscuit case. Spread evenly. Refrigerate while preparing topping.
6 To make topping, sprinkle gelatine over water in a small, heatproof jug. Sit jug in a small saucepan of simmering water. Stir until gelatine is dissolved. Remove jug from saucepan.
7 Drain water from pan. Add apricot nectar and jam. Whisk over a medium to high heat until hot. Stir in hot gelatine mixture. Remove from heat. Pour into a small sieve sitting over a heatproof jug. Stir, discarding apricot skins. Cool to room temperature.
8 Slowly pour apricot mixture over the top of the custard. Refrigerate for 6 hours, or overnight until set.
9 To serve, remove tart from tin. Cut into slices.