House Rules SHOCK: LLB responds to Shayn and Carly’s strategic scoring

Well we didn’t see this coming…
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Queensland couple Shayn and Carly have ruffled some feathers this week on House Rules thanks to their decision to ramp up the competition and strategically score.

Their rival teams were shocked to the core when the parents of two attempted to stop Pete and Courtney from winning the early room reveal challenge.

As Shayn and Carly prepare to give their scores to the teams tonight following their whole home reveal, Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen has weighed in on his thoughts on strategic scoring.

House Rules judges
(Credit: Seven)

Speaking to reality TV podcast Real Talk with Holly & Ali, hosts Holly Richards and Ali Cromarty asked the British design guru is strategic scoring bothers him as a judge.

“I mean, it doesn’t,” he says.

Holly then asked, “Sounds like he doesn’t care”, to which Laurence – who is referred to as LLB – responded: “I don’t.”

“ I’m like, ‘Right, whatever’,” he says on Real Talk.

“Look at the face, because it’s not moving anywhere.

“I’m actually really rigid about just looking at what they’ve done then and there. I don’t really care about backstories or anything.”

During his exclusive interview with Real Talk, LLB also divulged a number of secrets, including his real thoughts on the backlash he received for his low scoring compared to the other judges.

To hear all of LLB’s exclusive interview and more reality TV goss, listen to the newest episode of Real Talk with Holly & Ali below.

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