
How to keep your 2020 goals on track

Remember those resolutions you made?

Can you believe that the first quarter of 2020 is nearly over? Time is whizzing by and most of us have probably left our enthusiasm for making this our best year well and truly behind us. So before more time slips away, take a few moments to refocus, recalibrate, and reignite your excitement for smashing your 2020 goals. Here are a few tips, and a bit of inspiration, to get you back on track.

Women doing yoga
(Credit: Getty Images)

Health goals

One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is getting into great physical shape and it’s certainly a fabulous goal to have. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the hardest to keep. When the daily grind takes over, fitting in a workout and finding time to cook healthy meals can easily slip from the list of priorities and, soon enough, the old, familiar sluggish ways creep in. So how can you keep that enthusiasm alive? Reminding yourself every day why you are choosing a healthier lifestyle will help keep you focussed and turning that reason into a mantra will help curb any temptation to sway off-track. Jump back on the wagon and push through for the next couple of months, mantra in tow. The awesome results will soon become reason enough to keep going.

Career goals


If getting a promotion, creating a side hustle or initiating a complete change of career direction was amongst your 2020 goals then good for you! If you’ve been a bit slow off the mark getting things underway then reignite your excitement and set yourself weekly, or even daily, mini goals that will move you closer to your desired outcome. Joining a network of like-minded people can lend a lot of inspiration as can seeking out a mentor. Read up on your new career path and find out what skills you need to develop or learn. If you have qualification gaps to fill then look into studying online through Open Universities Australia. They have hundreds of courses to choose from and make higher education available to everyone, at all stages in life.

Woman drinking coffee
(Credit: Getty Images)

Self care goals

Remember that half-hour per day you promised to dedicate solely to your own wellbeing? Well, it’s time to reclaim it! Your happiness and peace of mind is just as important as everyone else’s, so schedule it in every single day (yep, the kids can wait a short while). Sign up for that class you have always wanted to do, read that magazine cover to cover with a hot cup of tea in hand, download that meditation app or make plans to start ticking things off your bucket list. Not only will your fulfilment levels soar, you’ll be putting out a clear message to your family and friends that it’s ok to show some self-love.


There’s still time to smash those goals and to make 2020 your best year!

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