US report: Meghan ‘wrecking friendships with diva demands’

Her outrageous requests are driving pals away

Meghan Markle is at risk of alienating her long-term friendships with her diva demands, according to a new US report.

The Duchess of Sussex’s requests have become so outrageous that sources have spilled she’s almost destroyed some of her friendships.

“Meghan called her closest friends and told them all that they needed to change their phone numbers for security reasons,” an insider told RadarOnline.

“She said that the Palace security had told her that they didn’t want people to be able to track Meghan through her friends Opens a New Window. ’ phones, but her friends said no, and she got really mad at them.

“Meghan was being completely unreasonable after her friends told her that they were not changing their numbers.”

The pregnant duchess – who is said to be on frosty terms with her sister-in-law Kate Middleton as well – apparently had a complete “meltdown” when her friends refused to obey her orders.

Meghan is said to have fallen out with sister-in-law Kate (Credit: Getty)

“She threw a fit and now she’s not talking to some of her friends because they dared to stand up to her. But they didn’t marry a prince and they don’t want to change their lives because of her. She’s being very extra.”

Markle told her friends it was all for “security reasons but they really thought it was because she didn’t want tabloids to talk to them the way her family is. They were insulted.”

“Meghan always wants her girlfriends around and wants them to be godparents to her new baby but these tiffs might have really damaged her friendships.”

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