How to use primer and why you should

This seldom heard-of product is a genuine game-changer!
Image: Getty.

Whether you’re 22 or 72 you need to get familiar with the beauty product ‘primer’.
But why exactly? And also – what is it and how do we use it?

Well, we’re going to explain all of that and more. Read on beauty lovers.

Okay – when it comes to reasons why there’s this … makeup isn’t cheap. So you want to get the most out of it and at all times.

When it comes to foundation (which is one of the most expensive makeup items in every woman’s kit) we believe you won’t get optimal results unless you also use primer.

Emilia Clarke
Emilia Clarke and her perfect skin definitely helped along by primer. (Image: Getty.)

Primer smooths skin covering any teeny, tiny line and/ or flaws providing a perfect base for your foundation. When you’re wearing primer your foundation will appear utterly flawless and will never settle into pores or lines.

Further, primer gives your foundation something to adhere to so that it lasts longer.
All in all it’s a product you need in your life and ASAP.

So how to use it exactly? A primer goes on after moisturiser is applied and before you apply your foundation – the reasons for the order are as per above. The reason why you still need moisturiser is that in general, primers are not hydrating enough alone.

Tatcha The Silk Canvas
Luxury primer by Tatcha. (Image: Getty.)

There are many primers on the market and there’ll be plenty that will suit your needs and your skin type too. You can even get primers that reduce oil, provide skin benefits and/ or hydration. There are also a wide range of price points from budget to seriously expensive.

At the cheaper end of the market, we love Rimmel Stay Matte Primer, $13.95. When we’re lucky enough to be flush with cash we opt for Tatcha The Silk Canvas Protective Primer, $76. 

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