The 12 signs you’re having a down market wedding

Etiquette expert reveals all

You may have been to more weddings than you’ve had hot meals, but do you know what truly makes a tasteful celebration?

Etiquette expert William Hanson has revealed the top 12 ways to spot you’re having a down market wedding. Do you agree?

Bucks or hen party

Forget a drunken night of debauchery, William says a more tasteful option is to have an intimate drinks party a few days before the wedding.

Revealing too much skin

The more flesh on display, the tackier the wedding. Cleavage and bare shoulders are a a no-no.


The more hats the better, apparently.

Choice of hymns

Presuming you are going to go down the traditional route and have a church wedding, William advises not to be pretentious and choose obscure hymns – instead go for something everyone will know.

Recorded music

Walking down the aisle to a recorded track is clunky and awkward. Save it for the first dance, William suggests

The procession

In order to avoid a pile up, the bride should always walk down the aisle first, followed by the wedding party, not the other way around.

Groom’s shoes

Kneeling before the vicar only to have the groom reveal the discount sticker still attached to his shoes is a tell tale sign of a down market wedding.

High heels

Tottering about in stilettos? Forget about it.

Chair covers

Tacky and offensive according to William!


Paying for your guests to have a meal is more than enough, according to William

Staying until the end

‘Staying for the length of the inevitable disco is cheap. No one likes a drunk bride,’ says William.

A country house venue

Unless you or a relative actually own the country house, holding your ceremony at an elaborate estate just emphasizes your delusions of grandeur!

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