Is Prince Harry the most rebellious royal?

There might be another out there
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When he was young, Prince Harry certainly proved that he has a rebellious streak. 

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After all, who can forget seeing those infamous naked photos of the royal splashed across the news or the time he wore an outfit with a swastika to a costume party.

While many people think he may be the biggest royal rebel, commentator Angela Mollard suggests that Princess Stephanie of Monaco is also a contender for the title.

Princess Stephanie
Princess Stephanie (pictured) was rebellious when she was younger. (Credit: Getty Images)

“Anyone who is around my vintage will know her well because she used to be in the magazines all the time,” Angela says on New Idea’s podcast Royals.

Stephanie was the daughter of Princess Grace Kelly and Prince Ranier III of Monaco and she was in the car when her mother, Grace had a stroke causing her to crash the car and die.

The princess was only a teenager at the time of her mother’s demise, which Angela suggests may have influenced her rebellious streak.

Prince harry
Prince Harry (pictured) also lost his mother at a young age. (Credit: Getty Images)

“She went on to run off and join the circus, she had children out of wedlock and had a dragon tattoo on her back,” says Angela.

“I wonder if when your parent has died whether that is actually how you see it, you will be a risk taker, you know life isn’t certain and you sort of know about mortality when other people don’t.”

Angela admits that it is very similar to Prince Harry who also lost his mother at a young age.

“Like Harry she didn’t have that stabilising force and that influence, so she went off the rails,” she says. “I hope she is happy now!”

Prince Harry birthday
Royal commentator Angela Mollard suggests Harry (pictured) may not be the biggest royal rebel. (Credit: Getty)

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