Reality TV

MAFS ‘INTRUDER’ SHOCK – You won’t believe which ex star is returning

The star has had a lot to say about the show - and he's not finished
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Just when we thought Married at First Sight couldn’t get more exciting, former contestant Dean Wells drops this bombshell on us.

‘Yeah, I would return to the show,’ he tells New Idea, hinting he may be set to make an appearance as an intruder, amid mounting rumours of just this development.

‘I’m still single, so why not?’

In fact, Dean thinks having new couples and ‘intruders’ on the show is a clever new twist that will be completely unexpected.

‘It’s a great idea, it could mix things up, test people’s loyalties and really throw a spanner in the works,’ he said. ‘I think it’s going to make the show more interesting.’

And despite becoming the ‘villain’  last year, he said there were a lot of positives along with the negatives of going on the show.

‘I get so many people, men and women, that come up to me all the time and tell me that they love me and that I’m their favourite,’ Dean says proudly. ‘Others come up and say ‘it’s about time someone said what you said. It’s not biased or old fashion and a lot of people still agree with it.’

He says being on the show can really got Aussies talking. ‘I feel like it opened up a discussion in Australian society and that can only be a good thing as long as people don’t take it too seriously.’

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