An Australia Post delivery man has been caught out in the most compromising position after he was filmed by CCTV urinating in a customer’s pot plant.
The postie was sprung taking a leak when the CCTV automatically turned on after the doorbell was rung and the Bendigo customer, who wasn’t home at the time, failed to answer the door.
A listener named Brad alerted 3AW’s Tom Elliot to the disgusting scene during an on-air phone-in to the show, after his niece told him of the special delivery.
“Whenever someone comes to the door it [the CCTV] automatically goes off,” Brad told Tom.
“She got a text message with the video!” he explained.
“He must have had a full bladder, because he lasted about 30 seconds,” Brad joked.
In a statement to 3AW Australia Post said the delivery man in question would be sacked.
“This is completely unacceptable conduct and we apologise for any distress caused to the customer and will be reaching out to them,” Australia Post said.
“We expect much better than this and won’t tolerate this kind of behaviour, and as a result this person will no longer be delivering for Australia Post.”