Health & Wellbeing

How street names can drastically affect property value

Would you be too embarrassed to live here?
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Its no surprise that suburb hot spots can influence housing prices, but surprisingly, a recent study found street signs with silly names can affect the value of your property.

As part of a science project, High school girls at Sacred Heart College in Geelong, Victoria, analysed street signs and there findings were surprising. It turns out houses with embarrassing street names were worth 20 per cent less than houses with normal street names.

Working with the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the University of Sydney and a Melbourne real estate agent, the students looked at house sales over the last 47 years.

Some of the street names found included Butt Street, Wanke Road and Fanny Street. 

Searching for a reason behind their findings, the girls surveyed 323 adults. Of which, a third said they wouldn’t like to live in a street with a name like Willy’s Avenue.

“We think that there is a proportion of people that would not be comfortable living in those streets,” Dr Cole told ABC Radio Melbourne’s Jon Faine, “so they don’t compete for those properties and that would drive prices down.

This article originally appeared on Better Homes and Gardens.

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