
Perth blogger Constance Hall shared a post-birth snap and THIS happened

People were very angry

Perth mummy blogger Constance Hall has hit back after she was trolled for sharing a snap of herself after the birth of baby son, Raja.

Taking to her popular Facebook page on 2 July, Constance posted her ‘favourite photo from the birth of Raja’.

It showed her husband, Denim, gazing at the couple’s newborn son, while Constance looked at her phone, with a can of drink in her hand.

Perth blogger Constance Hall shared a post-birth snap and THIS happened
Constance shared this photo on social media (Credit: Facebook/Constance Hall)

‘Yesterday I posted a picture of myself on the phone the day my son was born,’ Constance wrote the following day.

‘And of course it was followed by a few f****** and their stuck up judgments about what I was doing on my phone instead of spending my every second doting and being the eternally grateful goddess mother..

‘And then that was met with beautiful Queens defending me with comments like “she could be FaceTiming her other kids or family..” 

‘I didn’t even know that any of this had happened until upset Queens were messaging me,’ Constance revealed.

Perth blogger Constance Hall shared a post-birth snap and THIS happened
(Credit: Facebook/Constance Hall)

‘The truth is…. it’s nobodies business what a mother is doing on her phone the day she gives birth, if she’s sending her children and mother photos of the baby or googling tit jobs in Thailand it’s not your business.

‘In fact the way another mother is mothering…… is not your problem. 

‘Just to clarify for you here are 2 things that are your problems.

1, if a child is being abused. Sexually, mentally, physically, Or neglected, starved or not having their medical needs met. By ALL means, intervene. And when I say intervene I mean… Call the department of child protective services, do NOT bitch and moan on facebook. This is YOUR problem.

‘It’s all of our problems when children need a voice and we have that voice.

Perth blogger Constance Hall shared a post-birth snap and THIS happened
(Credit: Emma Levett)

‘And 2, YOUR children. They are your problem, how you raise them, what YOUR doing on your phone, what kind of a mother YOU are. 

‘But all other aspects of mothering…

‘Ain’t your f****** problem.

‘So thank you Queens who came into bat for me, yet it’s completely unnecessary.’

Constance’s post received a wave of support from other mothers – with some sharing their own post-birth photos.

Perth blogger Constance Hall shared a post-birth snap and THIS happened
(Credit: Facebook/Constance Hall)

‘My favourite picture from the birth of my son,’ wrote one mum, sharing a snap of herself with a Family Box from McDonald’s.

‘This was taken about half an hour after he was born. Bubs is off having cuddles with his sister, nan or dad I don’t know all I know is I was sore, tired and starving.

‘I then went on my phone to share this photo with all of my family with the caption “when one family box is ruined so I had to get another”’.

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