
Newborn smashes weight records

That's a big boy!

A Melbourne mother has been left shocked after her hew newborn smashed weight records in Melbourne. 

Moama Ala was told at her ultrasound that her newborn would weight around 4kgs at the time of his birth, only they were incredibly wrong!

Ala told 7 News, ‘Everyone was asking me, ‘Are you having twins?’ And I was like, ‘I wish’.’

At the advice of doctors Ala’s baby boy, Moama, was born at 39 weeks via caesarean.

Maoama broke the record for the biggest baby born in Sunshine Hospital in Victoria, tipping the scales at 6.3kgs and 60 centimetres long. Almost double the weight of an average newborn. 

(Credit: Getty)

The new parents, originally from Samoa, already share nine-year-old twins and a six-year-old. 

Ala shares she was unprepared for Moama’s size and only bought 000 clothes to hospital with her. Moama is already wearing 3-6 month baby clothes. 

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