Home and Away: Jasmine and Tori at WAR

She has reached boiling point!

Still distraught over Robbo’s (Jake Ryan) abrupt departure, Jasmine (Sam Frost) lashes out at the person she holds to blame – Tori (Penny McNamee).

Turning up on her colleague’s doorstep, a fuming Jasmine again blasts the pregnant doctor – this time for apparently talking about her behind her back to their mutual friends.

“Tori inadvertently mentioned to Irene that things are tense at the hospital between her and Jasmine,” reveals Penny. “It wasn’t a criticism of Jasmine as such, but Jasmine takes it that way and lashes out at Tori. Tori feels like she can’t win.

“Tori comes to the realisation that her friendship with Jasmine will never be the same again, and this is upsetting to her.”

Will Tori’s plea to Jasmine to bury the hatchet fall on deaf ears?

For more, pick up the latest copy of New Idea on sale now!

harry and meghan shock
(Credit: NEW IDEA)

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