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Cleaning mistakes that are making your house dirtier…and how to fix them

Take these common mistakes out of your cleaning game now

Clean when cloudy

It might seem counter-intuitive to clean your windows when it’s cloudy, after all that glorious sunshine is going dry your windows quicker, right? Well, yes and most definitely no. On a sunny day your window cleaning solution might evaporate too quickly before you have had a chance to rinse your windows, leaving a streaky finish.

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Feather no-goer

Despite their old school charm, feather dusters don’t really do the job of dusting properly. Most will just push the dust around rather than remove it. It’s much better to get in there with a microfibre cleaning cloth and an appropriate cleaning solution to really remove dust build up. 

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Beat bacteria

You can spread harmful bacteria very easily by cross contaminating your cooking area and utensils. This is especially the case when you’re preparing raw meat. Always clean your knives, cutting boards and surfaces with hot soapy water after preparing raw meat before you use them for anything else. It might seem like a waste of time but you don’t want to make your family or dinner guests sick so make sure you stick to this rule.

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Rag out

That favourite cleaning rag is probably doing more harm than good. Keeping cleaning cloths clean and refreshed is important to avoid spreading germs around the house. Make sure you have designated cleaning cloths for everywhere in the house, and make sure you rinse them and eventually replace them regularly.

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Liquidate lint

Small tasks like cleaning the lint out of your dryer might be easy to let slide, after all it’s not like you need to do it every time. Wrong! It’s much better to get in to the routine of cleaning the lint after every load. Why? It will decrease the risk of a dryer fire; even a couple of load’s worth of lint can be enough to cause a disaster.

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