
Biggest Loser’s Tiffiny Hall shows off 21-kilo weight loss – and reveals how YOU can do it too

The new mum and fitness star shares her top tips with New Idea

Former Biggest Loser Australia coach Tiffiny Hall has revealed the results of her 21-kilo weightloss since the birth of her little boy – and revealed how you can do it too.

The first-time mum and founder of TIFFXO – who welcomed baby Arnold in September – told that she’s started to rebuild the strength she lost last year.

‘I couldn’t do a full squat. I had to use the couch. The fact that I couldn’t do a push up…It’s so strange. My body collapsed because my core was so weak,’ Tiffiny said of exercising post birth

Tiffiny Hall reveals weightloss and shares her top tips
Former Biggest Loser Australia coach Tiffiny Hall (pictured recently) has revealed the results of her 21-kilo weightloss (Credit: Instagram/Tiffiny Hall)

‘I’ve had to start on the lowest fitness level. I have a long way to go. My goal is to get up to five push ups on my knees. I’ve had to really work hard and it’s given me a greater appreciation for others who start from scratch with no strength.’ 

But the proud mum went on to say that she doesn’t regret a ‘single kilo or sausage roll’.

‘I know when the time comes to get fit and be back in shape, I’ll be able to do it,’ she said.

‘I may never get back to my size six hips and my washboard abs, but I’m comfortable with that.’

For those wanting to follow in Tiffiny’s footsteps and kick some fitness goals in 2018, she has some top tips to start you on the road to success.

Tiffiny Hall reveals weightloss and shares her top tips
After giving birth to baby Arnold, Tiffiny (pictured while pregnant) had to start from the ‘lowest’ fitness level (Credit: Instagram/Tiffiny Hall)

‘Maybe you want to eat better, feel stronger or simply speak to yourself with a bit more love, it’s always empowering to make a healthy plan and feel committed to it,’ Tiffiny tells New Idea. 

‘Feeling healthy and #happyfit doesn’t mean you need to uphaul your entire life – sustainable changes stick with us the best when we take small actions over time.’

Set yourself up for success

‘Use the New Year as a chance for a New Start – declutter your kitchen (and in turn, your mind),’ Tiffiny says.

‘Those extra and doubles spices from 1999 and half sealed containers of rice may stop you from seeing what’s actually available in the kitchen.

‘Go through the fridge and pantry and declutter, throw out the dead things, the temptation things and create a clutter free workable space with loads of room to create your delish healthy meals – all while having an honest idea of what’s in your space, helping you eat and feel better.’

Tiffiny Hall reveals weightloss and shares her top tips
But she says she doesn’t regret ‘a single sausage roll’ and has started to see her abs coming back (pictured) (Credit: Instagram/Tiffiny Hall)

Make a plan and set some small, achievable goals

‘It’s time to figure out what you want out of 2018 and to set some (realistic) goals,’ Tiffiny advises.

‘Goal settings helps keep you motivated and focused with a plan. Write down the things you want to achieve and write down all of the steps you need to achieve them.

‘Maybe it’s losing those last few kilos or finally running that marathon. Remember, baby steps is the name of the game!

‘Nothing great was achieved overnight. It’s all about achieving the little things that all of a sudden, add up to big weight loss and fitness goals!’

Open the conversation

‘Talk to your kids about healthy habits and make them aware of the ‘everything in moderation’ rule,’ she suggests.

‘The summer break is a great opportunity to chat to your kids about food and self care. Embrace summer fruits and eat the rainbow together.’

Tiffiny Hall reveals weightloss and shares her top tips
Tiffiny (pictured after the birth of baby Arnold) says summer is a great time to embrace fruit (Credit: Instagram/Tiffiny Hall)

Get organised

‘I love lists so any excuse to make one! I don’t only like it because I get to use all of my pretty pens, but because it’s a life saver too,’ Tiffiny admits.

‘Food prep and planning is absolutely the number one key to making sure you don’t go off the rails and into the land of convenient take-away and packet foods.’

Go to bed

‘This is not your mother nagging at you, this is science telling you to get more sleep! You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again, getting quality sleep is fundamental in aiding weight loss and also keeping you happy,’ Tiffiny explains.

‘As you settle into your new healthy routine, add in a night time ritual to wind down and defrost before bed time.

‘Try a sleep meditation to set yourself up for 8 hours of restorative sleep to have a smoother and more productive next day.’

Tiffiny Hall reveals weightloss and shares her top tips
She says getting enough sleep is key to losing weight (Credit: Instagram/Tiffiny Hall)

Find a fitness friend

‘Grab yourself an accountability buddy and have someone to workout with and motivate and support you. Begin your fitness journey together,’ Tiffiny suggests.

‘It will increase your chances for success and you’ll have more fun. Power in numbers! It’s nice to know there is something to celebrate the wins and help motivate during those tougher times.

‘Chat to friends who are in the midst of their health and happiness journey and see if they have any tactics to help inspire you.’                                   

Prioritise self love

‘Self care is not all of nothing, and a little can go a long way,’ Tiffiny says.

‘Prioritise having some “me minutes” and do something little for you every day. It doesn’t have to be a grand OTT gesture, paint your nails, do a face mask or go and check out a movie with a girlfriend.

‘When you fill up your self love tank, you’ll have more to give and everyone benefits from a li’l bit of self love – especially you.’

See more tips from Tiffiny at TIFFXO

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