
The Real Full Monty – What you didn’t see on TV

Here’s what it was really like to be in the audience

It was the moment that Australia has been waiting for… Seven celebrities will be getting their kit off for a good cause in The Real Full Monty. And, it won’t disappoint!


Hosts, Shane Jacobson and Todd McKenny roped in all their celebrity pals, to strip down to their birthday suit and recreate the iconic dance from the hit comedy, The Full Monty, in an effort to raise awareness for men’s health issue, prostate and testicular cancer. 

The celebs that were, err… lucky enough to strip down for the nation included, host, Shane, Sunrise weather presenter, Sam Mac, model Kris Smith, radio’s Brendan ‘Jonsey’ Jones, AFL commentator Brian Taylor, Ironman, Jett Kenny and sports champs, Matt Cooper and Campbell Brown. 

And, while the performance makes for great TV, it pales in comparison to being in the audience – take it from someone who was there!

Full Monty
The audience were supportive of the seven brave celebs. (Credit: Supplied)

As we joined the long line of ladies (and a few blokes) waiting to take their seats at the Enmore Theatre in Sydney, the excitement in the air was palpable.

A huge fan of the film myself, I wasn’t sure if anyone could live up to that lovable bunch of misfits from Sheffield. But, as the curtains parted and the first beats of Joe Crocker’s, You Can Leave Your Hat On, started playing I knew I was in for a treat. 

The blokes strutted onto stage in their police uniforms and the women in the audience went crazy, you couldn’t help but be swept up by it. Even Jett’s famous mum, Lisa Curry was having a ball in the front row.

We laughed, we cheered and we danced our way through the performance always keeping our eyes peeled for the big reveal!

Full Monty
The blokes bared everything for a good cause. (Credit: Supplied)

And before you ask – the firework display on stage didn’t hide a thing! We saw perhaps a little more than we bargained for.

After covering up in robes and looking a lot less nervous, the celebs answered audience questions and chatted about their experiences – g-strings and all!

But, I’m still wondering if anyone tried to slim down by wrapping cling wrap around their stomach while eating a chocolate bar?


I never thought I would be a fan of strip shows, but after the good times served up by The Real Full Monty I have been converted.

See you at the next one!

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