Health & Wellbeing

Natalie Roser Reveals Her Eating And Exercise Routine

And why she's on board with Miranda Kerr and Elle Macpherson's go-to detox.

We chat to model, mega babe and star of Women’s Health’s Aussie activewear spread about the exercise advice she swears by and the best diet for her body.  

What’s your favourite workout?

Ummm I would have to say something like a high intensity circuit, I like something that uses certain movements once so you don’t have to go back and repeat it. Other than pilates, I love reformer pilates. I love a good sweat. Can that be my favourite? A sweaty workout haha.

What’s your least favourite workout?

A burpee. Any workout with a burpee I’m too tall for them!

When do you like to workout?

I train at my best in the middle of the day but that’s not always an option depending on my work schedule, so I like to workout in the morning because I have more of a habit of escaping it if I choose to workout in the afternoon. Like today, for example, I’m thinking of a reason not to go to the gym when I really don’t have one.

What health fads have you tried and hated or loved?  

I know ones that I love, I’m on one at the moment! I’m currently on an alkaline diet which is a sort of detox program where I eat a restricted vegan diet for 14 days and it kind of helps to cleanse my system and it helps with my skin and my sleep and it helps me feel really, really good. Then I’ll slowly reintroduce dairy products and sugars and things like that. It’s just really nice healthy food, nothing processed, nothing unnatural or artificial. And it makes me feel incredible.

It’s one of my go-tos as far as getting on top my my sugar addiction. Which is kind of my number one issue, even if I don’t realise I’m having sugar I’m craving products that have sugar in it. It’s a really good way to learn about what I’m eating and what’s actually in my food. Even your tinned tomatoes, choosing a tin that doesn’t have all the additives, I find that fascinating which is why I like doing this diet.

So sugar’s your vice, do you have a particular weakness? Tim tams or lolly snakes?

Well, ice cream is really, really, really, really good. But look, to be honest, I don’t really like cakes but I like every other kind of sugar. No preference haha.

What’s the best health or fitness tip anyone has ever given you?

Listen to your body, which has been a really, really good one for me because I don’t want to feel guilt the days or weeks I want to have off. I don’t want to feel guilt if my body is telling to slow down. Especially if I have a lot going on with work I usually cut down with training because I can feel my body is fatigued and I don’t want to make myself sick. Because I’m, really heavily affected by lack of sleep. So pushing through the ‘not wanting to go’ but listening to the aches and the pains to either do a lighter session or do cardio instead of weights or vice versa, that’s been the best for me.

Does your routine change in the lead up to a shoot or show?

No, the thing with my job is that it’s all very last minute so I kind of need to always be prepared. With my body it takes at least two weeks to see any kind of difference so if I was preparing for a really big shoot and I had a couple of months notice I would probably do my alkaline cleanse because it does make me feel better and it makes my body feel better. And the better you feel the better you look.

What does your day on a plate look like?

Well today, at the moment with my cleanse, I’ll have an almond milk based smoothie with banana and blue berries, with a protein that I’m having at the moment it’s Elle Macpherson’s brand Super Elixir and they have a really good vegan choc protein so I put that in with a bit of maple syrup. That’s my breakfast and then lunch is, today I had a falafel sandwich with salad something quite sustaining because I get really hungry in the middle of the day.  I snack on macadamia and almonds, and then tonight, for dinner ,because it’s still kind of cold in Melbourne, I’ll have a soup or stir fry, something with heaps and heaps of veggies so I can get all those vitamin and minerals that you need.

I’m vegetarian so [when I’m not doing the alkaline diet] just a bit more cheese and some chocolate for dessert and I might have granola and yoghurt for breakfast or something like that. I don’t change it that much.

Are you a coffee drinker? What’s your go-to order?

I’m not! Moving to Melbourne I have started drinking coffee but it’s very very rare that I drink it. But if I do I order an almond latte with honey but the almond has to be really good almond milk. And really weak because I’m still learning haha.

This article was first published by Women’s Health.

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