Health & Wellbeing

Jennifer Hawkins On How She Balances Pasta And Pilates While Travelling

The model, TV presenter and renowned globe trotter tells all.

When it comes to maintaining health on holiday mode, Jennifer Hawkins has got it down pat. A brief scroll through her Instagram feed – chock full of travel shots, smoothie bowls and tequila cocktails – is all the evidence you need of that.

To celebrate her new gig with luxury travel site Bon Voyage, we spoke to the 33-year-old about how she balances pasta and pilates while keeping up her enviable travel schedule (and physique).

What has been your most memorable travel experience so far?

I would probably say way back when I first travelled to Ecuador because it was my first overseas trip. I didn’t pack well, I didn’t have anything on board the flight, I got off had three weeks in Ecuador and then was on Miss Universe and then onto New York. It was such a crazy experience so it’s so vivid in my head. I look back and think ‘oh i wish I knew then what I know now’ – pack moisturiser, drink water, don’t be jet lagged, all that stuff. But I mean New York just has such an intense energy it is such a beautiful city, going from Ecuador, which was really casual and chilled to New York, which is crazy – so those two places really stand out to me.

How do you prefer to travel – alone, with friends, as couple or with family?

I love travelling with people, Jake would be my first preference because we travel so well together, he’s my best friend so we just go with the flow. Also friends, I like going overseas nearby like Fiji or Bali with a group of friends, I’ve always wanted to do Croatia with a big group of friends and go on a boat and do that whole thing. With family we tend to go and book a large house in the country, go camping or do something low key. Different things for different people.

What’s next on your bucket list?

Sicily, I’d really liked to explore more of Italy we only tried, tasted Italy in Positano a couple of years ago and just feel in love with the culture and the food – oh my god the food – and seeing the Amalfi Coast and that water! So I’d love to visit Sicily, Tuscany and Florence, it’s so romantic and a really interesting place.

How important is staying healthy on holidays, do you like to go all out or maintain your eating and exercise routine?

It depends on the place, say if you’re going to the Maldives or a city and you’ve got access to a gym or a treadmill – I tend to run more when I’m away than when I’m at home because you have more time. When it comes to food, I am a foodie, I love trying to new food and like in Italy I just went nuts on pasta but when you’re on holidays you seem to just relax more so you don’t put on weight like you would at home I guess. I try to run more but… eat more as well (laughs).

What’s your favourite way to workout at home and do you take it on the road with you?

It’s kind of just a lifestyle in a way, I know it sounds really lame it’s just what you’re used to. So I know if I don’t get up and run or do a yoga session or something everyday I don’t feel like myself. I’m pretty much a morning person, I don’t bounce out of bed but I do most of my emails in the morning, do a yoga session, go for a run, have breakfast with Jake, have a coffee and we tend to do that when we’re on holidays too. Not the email part, I switch off but yeah we’ll get up and go to the gym and get that stuff out of the way so you kind of feel like you’ve done something for the day. Then you can have cocktails in the afternoon and eat this and that, you’re not feeling guilty at all.

This article was first published by Women’s Health. 

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