
The drink that can ease hot flushes

Get the squeeze on lycopene and its benefits
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Newsflash for hot flushes! There’s one drink that could help dial down menopause symptoms, without a pill in sight.

Say hello to… tomato juice!

In a recent study in Nutrition Journal, 93 women with at least one complaint found relief after drinking one 200ml glass of unsalted TJ twice a day for eight weeks.

The drinkers consistently rated their symptoms (which included hot flushes, fatigue and irritability) 16% less torturous than before. Researchers think it may be thanks to the antioxidant effect of the fruit’s lycopene and abundance of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), proven to relieve those all-too-familiar night sweats.

The only way this news gets better is if a bloody mary counts. Let’s say yes, shall we?

Especially if you’re on a plane, where new US research has revealed our sense of taste can change.

Tastebuds adore umami at umpteen thousand feet, the savoury flavour found in foods like parmesan, soy sauce… and tomato. Tuck in!

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